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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 菅义伟当选日本新首相接替安倍晋三。菅义伟已在议会中赢得选票,而在很大程度上有望维持前任的路线。 - Yoshihide Suga elected Japan's new prime minister ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 16, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 菅义伟当选日本新首相接替安倍晋三。菅义伟已在议会中赢得选票,而在很大程度上有望维持前任的路线。 - Yoshihide Suga elected Japan's new prime minister ...

中文 (Chinese) English
菅义伟当选日本新首相接替安倍晋三。菅义伟已在议会中赢得选票,而在很大程度上有望维持前任的路线。Yoshihide Suga elected Japan's new prime minister succeeding Shinzo Abe. Yoshihide Suga has won the vote in parliament, and is largely expected to stay his predecessor's course.
菅义伟:日本新首相的意外上升。我们了解的新领袖谁取代长期总理安倍晋三是什么。Yoshihide Suga: The unexpected rise of Japan's new prime minister. What we know about the new leader who replaces long-time premier Shinzo Abe.
冠状病毒:特朗普否认低估病毒的严重程度。布什总统在接受采访时说,今年年初,他尽量减少病毒的严重程度,以避免恐慌。Coronavirus: Trump denies downplaying severity of virus. The president said in an interview earlier this year he minimised the virus's severity to avoid panic.
印度的冠状病毒感染前五名万。该国已每天增加超过90,000案件继续重新开放。India's coronavirus infections top five million mark. The country has been adding more than 90,000 cases every day as it continues to reopen.
约翰·博尔顿:刑事调查开成爆炸性回忆录。特朗普总统的前顾问正在调查的可能泄露机密信息。John Bolton: Criminal inquiry opened into explosive memoir. President Trump's ex-adviser is being investigated for possibly disclosing classified information.
西海岸火灾:我们如何outran加州野火。通过快速移动的野火围困,四个朋友被迫加息对安全的方式。West Coast fires: How we outran a California wildfire. Trapped by a fast-moving wildfire, four friends were forced to hike their way to safety.
什么是特朗普对环境记录?总统驳回关于气候变化的科学。但是,什么是他的环境记录?What is Trump's record on environment?. The president has dismissed the science on climate change. But what is his record on the environment?
冠状病毒在肯尼亚:从沙龙到下水道的工人。其中一些谁失去了他们的工作在一片大流行正在支付清理他们的社区。Coronavirus in Kenya: From salon to sewer worker. Some of those who lost their jobs amid the pandemic are being paid to clean up their neighbourhoods.
以色列的边界在地图说明。由于以色列接受阿拉伯国家的增长,这里是如何的犹太国家的形状发生了变化。Israel's borders explained in maps. As Israel's acceptance by Arab states grows, here's how the shape of the Jewish state has changed.
从Covid-19恢复:"我不能让这些图片,我的头"。许多患者在患PTSD的风险,但印度缺乏基础设施来对待他们。Recovering from Covid-19: 'I can't get the images out of my head'. Many patients are at the risk of suffering from PTSD, but India lacks infrastructure to treat them.

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