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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : Covid疫苗:为什么澳大利亚人取消Astrazeneca Jabs?医生担心政府在建议的改变中推动 - Covid vaccine: Why are Australians cancelling Astr... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

June 22, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : Covid疫苗:为什么澳大利亚人取消Astrazeneca Jabs?医生担心政府在建议的改变中推动 - Covid vaccine: Why are Australians cancelling Astr...

中文 (Chinese) English
Covid疫苗:为什么澳大利亚人取消Astrazeneca Jabs?医生担心政府在建议的改变中推动的令人兴趣可能会减缓疫苗接种。Covid vaccine: Why are Australians cancelling AstraZeneca jabs?. Doctors fear rising concern fuelled by the government's change in advice may slow down vaccinations.
柬埔寨为侮辱国王而收取环境活动家。被指控侮辱国王,环境活动家面临长达10年的监禁。Cambodia charges environment activists with insulting the king. Accused of insulting the king, the environment activists face up to 10 years in prison.
中国告诉银行停止支持加密货币。在中国在四川省停止比特币采矿后,最新的加密镇压。China tells banks to stop supporting cryptocurrency. The latest crackdown on cryptocurrency comes days after China stopped Bitcoin mining in Sichuan province.
纽约市长选举:来自新市长的选民。了解投票员对民意调查的股权,为纽约市选择新的领导者。New York mayoral election: What voters want from a new mayor. Learn what's at stake as voters head to the polls to choose a new leader for New York City.
教科文组织:大堡礁应该被列为"危险"。澳大利亚政府表示,联合国机构的建议并将反对它。Unesco: Great Barrier Reef should be listed as 'in danger'. The Australian government says it is "stunned" by the UN body's recommendation and will oppose it.
尼加拉瓜政治逮捕了阿根廷和墨西哥回忆起特使。阿根廷和墨西哥在被拘留第五次总统希望后回忆谈判大使。Nicaragua political arrests lead Argentina and Mexico to recall envoys. Argentina and Mexico recall ambassadors for talks after a fifth presidential hopeful is detained.
NFL:卡尔·纳西布成为第一名活跃的球员,以作为同性恋者出来。拉斯维加斯袭击者防御终端Carl Nassib成为第一名活跃的NFL球员,作为同性恋。NFL: Carl Nassib becomes first active player to come out as gay. Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Carl Nassib becomes the first active NFL player to come out as gay.
一个假婚礼和25万诈骗 - '我是个白痴'。英国男人与他的乌克兰未婚妻在金融灾难中结束的未来的梦想。A fake wedding, and a $250,000 scam - 'I was such an idiot'. How a British man's dreams of a future with his Ukrainian fiancee ended in financial disaster.
东京2020年:日本是否控制了控制?与奥运会开始于7月开始,日本冠状病毒正在发生什么?Tokyo 2020: Does Japan have Covid under control?. With the Olympics starting in July, what is happening with coronavirus in Japan?
印度经济:七年七年的七年图。 Covid经济持久经济,经济不佳,失业亏损和出口停滞不前。India economy: Seven years of Modi in seven charts. Covid battered an already sluggish economy, weakened by poor growth, job losses and stagnant exports.

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