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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 唐纳德·特朗普弹劾审判之前“与律师的部分”。唐纳德·特朗普据报道,与代表他在他的弹劾审判的律师分道扬 - Donald Trump 'parts with lawyers' before impeachme... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 31, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 唐纳德·特朗普弹劾审判之前“与律师的部分”。唐纳德·特朗普据报道,与代表他在他的弹劾审判的律师分道扬 - Donald Trump 'parts with lawyers' before impeachme...

中文 (Chinese) English
唐纳德·特朗普弹劾审判之前"与律师的部分"。唐纳德·特朗普据报道,与代表他在他的弹劾审判的律师分道扬镳。Donald Trump 'parts with lawyers' before impeachment trial. Donald Trump has reportedly parted ways with lawyers representing him in his impeachment trial.
香港居民现在可以使用特殊的英国签证。从周日,那些有资格可以申请使用智能手机应用特殊的英国签证。Hong Kong residents now eligible for special UK visa. From Sunday, those eligible can apply for a special UK visa using a smartphone app.
俄罗斯括号为最新Navalny抗议。地铁站被关闭,运动,支持阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼提前集会的限制。Russia braces for latest Navalny protests. Metro stations are closed and movement is restricted ahead of rallies in support of Alexei Navalny.
Covid接种:洛杉矶道奇体育场的抗议关闭。抗疫苗和极右团体的抗议活动被迫上周六道奇体育场的关闭。Covid vaccination: LA Dodgers stadium closed by protests. Protests by anti-vaccine and far-right groups forced the closure of Dodger Stadium on Saturday.
冠状病毒在阿尔及利亚:"没有人可以旅行告别爷爷"。阿尔及利亚的冠状限制意味着人们散居无法正常哀悼。Coronavirus in Algeria: 'No-one could travel to say goodbye to grandpa'. Algeria's coronavirus restrictions mean that people in the diaspora are unable to properly mourn.
Covid:流感大流行的年轻寡妇和鳏夫。 "悲痛你小兵,"帕梅拉谁是失去丈夫后,独自抚养两个孩子说。Covid: The pandemic's young widows and widowers. "The grief creeps up on you," says Pamela who is raising two children alone after losing her husband.
日本捕鲸:"副渔获物"的规则小须鲸死后突出。它被困在断网日本鲸鱼之死,再次暴露了狩猎鸿沟。Japan whale hunting: 'By-catch' rule highlighted after minke death. The death of a whale which got trapped in a net off Japan has once again exposed the hunting divide.
难道疫苗摆脱疟疾的好事?十七岁的Victoline探索前进,以解决疾病在她的祖国肯尼亚。Could a vaccine get rid of malaria for good?. Seventeen-year-old Victoline explores progress to tackle the disease in her home country, Kenya.
黎巴嫩救护车司机:"医院不能把我们的Covid患者。黎巴嫩的医院都转身离开病人为Covid和经济崩溃下的国家扣。Lebanon ambulance driver: 'Hospitals can't take our Covid patients'. Lebanon's hospitals are turning away patients as the country buckles under Covid and economic collapse.
中非共和国在"世界末日情况"叛军资本接近。一位前总理说,有作为叛军包围班吉日常战斗。Central African Republic's capital in 'apocalyptic situation' as rebels close in. A former prime minister says there is daily fighting as rebel forces encircle Bangui.

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