中文 (Chinese) | English |
汤加Undersea电缆需要"至少"四周修理:NZ。汤加唯一的海底电缆在火山喷发中被摧毁,严重瘫痪的通信。 | Tonga undersea cable needs 'at least' four weeks to repair: NZ. Tonga's only undersea cable was destroyed in a volcanic eruption, severely crippling communications. |
乌克兰:在俄罗斯入侵恐惧中,Blinken飞往欧洲。俄罗斯否认任何攻击乌克兰的计划,但紧张局势与边境附近的部队质量很高。 | Ukraine: Blinken flies to Europe amid Russia invasion fears. Russia denies any plan to attack Ukraine but tensions are high as troops mass near the border. |
Fanta Bility:美国官员向致命的射击女孩被指控。检察官向两个被指控激发警察开火的青少年的指控。 | Fanta Bility: US officers charged with fatally shooting girl. Prosecutors drop charges against two teens who were accused of provoking the police to open fire. |
Ingrid Betancourt:前远程俘虏宣布宣布总统竞标。在2002年被绑架后,前参议员Ingrid Betancourt在绑架之后占据了六年。 | Ingrid Betancourt: Former Farc captive announces presidential bid. Ex-Senator Ingrid Betancourt spent six years as a Farc captive after being kidnapped in 2002. |
Covid:警告欧洲案例记录的大流行。法国报告了近五十百万个新的每日案件,在意大利和丹麦也打破了记录。 | Covid: WHO warns pandemic not over amid Europe case records. France reports nearly half a million new daily cases, with records also broken in Italy and Denmark. |
男子在澳大利亚的孩子发现死亡桶后被捕。警察称,一名男子在寻找悉尼附近的女孩之后被指控谋杀。 | Man arrested after Australian child found dead in barrel. A man has been charged with murder after a five-day search for a girl near Sydney, police say. |
美国国会大厦骚乱委员会向鲁迪·朱利亚尼发出杂志。前王牌律师是国会调查的四个助手,其中包括呼叫子戒指。 | US Capitol riot committee issues subpoena to Rudy Giuliani. The former Trump lawyer is among four aides slapped with subpoenas by the congressional inquiry. |
Joe Biden:在办公室中评分美国总统的第一年。总统第一年的高度和低点 - 在六个图表中。 | Joe Biden: Scoring the US president's first year in office. Highs and lows of the president's first year - in six charts. |
冬季奥运会2022:中国销售新疆作为冬季运动中心。许多希望骑奥运会繁荣的外国公司正在陷入困境的地区投资。 | Winter Olympics 2022: China sells Xinjiang as a winter sports hub. Many foreign firms hoping to ride the Olympics boom are investing heavily in the troubled region. |
索马里幸存者:通过串行自杀攻击生活的恢复力。前BBC记者穆罕默德Moalimu在索马里周日定位后正在恢复。 | Somali survivor: The resilience of living through serial suicide attacks. Former BBC reporter Mohamed Moalimu is recovering after being targeted on Sunday in Somalia. |
January 19, 2022
中文 (Chinese) - English : 汤加Undersea电缆需要“至少”四周修理:NZ。汤加唯一的海底电缆在火山喷发中被摧毁,严重瘫痪的 - Tonga undersea cable needs 'at least' four weeks t...
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