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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 图片中的一周:2024年1月20日至26日。在过去七天中拍摄的来自世界各地的醒目图像。 - Week in pictures: 20-26 January 2024. A selection ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 27, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : 图片中的一周:2024年1月20日至26日。在过去七天中拍摄的来自世界各地的醒目图像。 - Week in pictures: 20-26 January 2024. A selection ...

中文 (Chinese) English
图片中的一周:2024年1月20日至26日。在过去七天中拍摄的来自世界各地的醒目图像。Week in pictures: 20-26 January 2024. A selection of striking images from around the world, taken over the past seven days.
泰米尔纳德邦(Tamil Nadu):钦奈(Chennai)的"最后犹太人"在印度历史上争夺一席之地。 Davvid Levi一直在记录他的家人和印度钦奈市其他犹太人的历史。Tamil Nadu: Chennai's 'last Jew' fights for place in India's history. Davvid Levi has been documenting the history of his family and that of other Jews in India's Chennai city.
美国批准F-16战斗机出售给土耳其,价值230亿美元。在土耳其本周批准瑞典加入北约之后,这笔230亿美元的销售是在销售的。US approves F-16 fighter jet sale to Turkey worth $23bn. The $23bn sale comes after Turkey ratified Sweden's accession to Nato this week.
WWE老板文斯·麦克马洪(Vince McMahon)在性贩运诉讼后退出。他在一份声明中说,他已经决定"出于对WWE宇宙的尊重"而辞职。WWE boss Vince McMahon quits after sex-trafficking lawsuit. He said in a statement that he had made the decision to resign "out of respect for the WWE Universe".
为什么欧洲的农民愤怒在街上。欧洲被农民的一波抗议活动所席卷,他们责备欧盟政策的困难。Why Europe's farmers are taking their anger to the streets. Europe is swept by a wave of protests by farmers, who blame EU policies for their hardship.
安托瓦内特·拉图夫(Antoinette Lattouf):ABC主持人在澳大利亚的Gaza Post Ingites Row解雇。安托瓦内特·拉图夫(Antoinette Lattouf)的解雇也提出了有关澳大利亚公共广播公司的棘手问题。Antoinette Lattouf: ABC presenter sacked over Gaza post ignites row in Australia. Antoinette Lattouf's dismissal has also raised hard questions about Australia's public broadcaster.
澳大利亚公开赛:Zheng Qinwen Spark Spark中国网球希望进入决赛。这位21岁的年轻人的目标是重复李娜2014年的胜利进入澳大利亚公开赛决赛。Australian Open: Zheng Qinwen sparks Chinese tennis hopes going into final. The 21-year-old aims to repeat Li Na's 2014 victory going into the Australian Open final.
公司说,胡塞导弹袭击后着火。在伊朗支持的叛军最新报道的袭击中,该船袭击了也门以南60海里。Oil tanker on fire after Houthi missile attack, firm says. The vessel was hit 60 nautical miles south of Yemen in the latest reported attack by Iran-backed rebels.
以色列由国际法院对加沙的裁决所遏制 - 但它会服从吗?联合国法院的要求,如果实施,将大大改变以色列加沙竞选活动的性质。Israel reined in by ICJ rulings on Gaza - but will it obey?. The UN court's demands, if implemented, would drastically change the nature of Israel's Gaza campaign.
捷克共和国国会议员投票加强枪支法律。但是目前尚不清楚提议的新规则是否会阻止布拉格射击者。Czech Republic MPs vote to tighten gun laws. But it's unclear whether the proposed new rules would have stopped the Prague shooter.

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