中文 (Chinese) | English |
耶路撒冷:在有争议的圣地发生冲突。以色列警察使用眩晕手榴弹和橡胶子弹从Al-Aqsa清真寺清除巴勒斯坦人。 | Jerusalem: Clashes erupt at contested holy site. Israeli police use stun grenades and rubber bullets to clear Palestinians from the al-Aqsa mosque. |
克莱奥·史密斯(Cleo Smith):特伦斯·凯利(Terence Kelly)因绑架四岁女孩而入狱13年。特伦斯·凯利(Terence Kelly)在2021年因绑架四岁的克莱奥·史密斯(Cleo Smith)而被判处13年徒刑。 | Cleo Smith: Terence Kelly jailed for 13 years for abducting four-year-old girl. Terence Kelly is sentenced to 13 years behind bars for kidnapping four-year-old Cleo Smith in 2021. |
鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)的订婚突然取消了美国媒体。媒体大亨和前警察牧师安·莱斯利·史密斯(Ann Lesley Smith)突然取消了他们的婚礼。 | Rupert Murdoch's engagement abruptly called off - US media. The media tycoon and ex-police chaplain Ann Lesley Smith abruptly call off their nuptials. |
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在60秒内出现了历史性的法庭。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在纽约市度过了前所未有的一天,对34个重罪指控不认罪。 | Donald Trump's historic court appearance in 60 seconds. Donald Trump had an unprecedented day in New York City, pleading not guilty to 34 felony charges. |
Malyana Riots:印度穆斯林受害者在法院命令后感到绝望。上周,一名法院在1987年大屠杀中被指控41名印度教男子在马利亚纳村杀害了72名穆斯林。 | Malyana riots: India Muslim victims despair after court order. Last week, a court acquitted 41 Hindu men accused in the 1987 massacre of 72 Muslims in Malyana village. |
伊朗抗议活动:受害者在眼中射击了希望。伊朗抗议者说,目光被故意射向 - 但即使是盲目的表演违背。 | Iran protests: Victims shot in eyes hold on to hopes. Iranian protesters say eyes are being deliberately shot at - but even the blinded show defiance. |
台湾有被爱死亡的危险吗?总统泰·兴(Tsai Ing-Wen)将与美国众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)会面,因为我们和中国之间的紧张局势飙升。 | Is Taiwan in danger of being loved to death?. President Tsai Ing-wen will meet the US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy as tensions soar between US and China. |
我不卖。我是住房问题的一部分吗?'。随着业主退缩,供应紧张可能会承受美国房价的压力。 | I'm not selling. Am I part of the housing problem?'. Tight supply as owners hold back could keep pressure on home prices in the US. |
分析:34名对唐纳德·特朗普的重罪指控透露。现在,对美国前总统的起诉已被取消密封,这是您需要知道的。 | Analysis: What the 34 felony charges against Donald Trump reveal. Now the indictment against the former US president has been unsealed, here is what you need to know. |
特朗普节在法庭上的三个收获。英国广播公司的Nada Tawfik在曼哈顿法院分析了唐纳德·特朗普的历史日子。 | Three takeaways from Trump's day in court. The BBC's Nada Tawfik analyses Donald Trump's historic day in a Manhattan courthouse. |
April 05, 2023
中文 (Chinese) - English : 耶路撒冷:在有争议的圣地发生冲突。以色列警察使用眩晕手榴弹和橡胶子弹从Al-Aqsa清真寺清除巴勒斯 - Jerusalem: Clashes erupt at contested holy site. I...
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