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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 中国执行夫妇挥舞着两个幼儿死亡。孩子的父亲与女友密谋杀死他的两岁和一岁。 - China executes couple who flung two toddlers to th... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 02, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : 中国执行夫妇挥舞着两个幼儿死亡。孩子的父亲与女友密谋杀死他的两岁和一岁。 - China executes couple who flung two toddlers to th...

中文 (Chinese) English
中国执行夫妇挥舞着两个幼儿死亡。孩子的父亲与女友密谋杀死他的两岁和一岁。China executes couple who flung two toddlers to their death. The father of the children conspired with his girlfriend to kill his two-year-old and one-year-old.
纳瓦兹·谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif):巴基斯坦的复出之王看起来将再次成为PM。纳瓦兹·谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)的回归是三届从未完成任期的三届总理的戏剧性转变。Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan's king of comebacks looks set to to be PM again. Nawaz Sharif's return is a dramatic turnaround for a three-time prime minister who never completed a term.
加拿大的"毒杀手"肯尼思·劳(Kenneth Law)直接审判。检察官还将对他的指控从二级升级为一级谋杀案。Canadian 'poison killer' Kenneth Law to head straight to trial. Prosecutors have also upgraded charges against him from second-degree to first-degree murder.
飞机坠入佛罗里达拖车公园后发火。消防官员说,飞行员在紧急五月天通话后不久就起火了。Plane sparks fire after crashing into Florida trailer park. Four homes caught fire shortly after the pilot placed an emergency mayday call, fire officials say.
我们没有按照相同的规则进行比赛:法国农民在抗议中。像伊夫·科佩(YvesCoppé)这样的农民担心农业的未来和政府的政策。We're not playing by the same rules': French farmers on protests. Farmers like Yves Coppé are concerned about the future of farming and the government's policies.
2024年国际园艺摄影师比赛。International Garden Photographer of the Year competition 2024. The winning images of this year's International Garden Photographer of the Year competition.
非洲的图片一周:1月26日至2024年2月1日。从非洲大陆及以后的最佳照片。Africa's week in pictures: 26 January - 1 February 2024. A selection of the best photos from the African continent and beyond.
内罗毕火灾:肯尼亚首都的气爆炸杀死了两人,炸伤220人。目击者说,人们在肯尼亚首都发生了巨大的爆炸后尖叫和奔跑。Nairobi fire: Gas blast in Kenyan capital kills two and injures more than 220. A witness speaks of people screaming and running after a huge blast in the Kenyan capital.
观看:特斯拉挪威峡湾撞车乘客由浮动桑拿用户保存。桑拿船的使用者救出了两个撞上奥斯陆峡湾的人。Watch: Tesla Norway fjord crash passengers saved by floating sauna users. The users of a sauna boat came to the rescue of two people who crashed into a fjord in Oslo.
巴尔的摩乌鸦队的球员在飞行中的紧急情况下有助于。马克·安德鲁斯(Mark Andrews)是足球队的紧张局面,他跳进去帮助生病的同伴。Baltimore Ravens player helps in mid-flight emergency. Mark Andrews, a tight end for the football team, jumped in to aid a fellow passenger who became ill.

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