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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 纳斯卡:迈克尔·乔丹和丹尼汉姆林形成杯系列团队布巴华莱士驱动程序。篮球传奇人物迈克尔·乔丹和三次Da - Nascar: Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin form Cup S... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 22, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 纳斯卡:迈克尔·乔丹和丹尼汉姆林形成杯系列团队布巴华莱士驱动程序。篮球传奇人物迈克尔·乔丹和三次Da - Nascar: Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin form Cup S...

中文 (Chinese) English
纳斯卡:迈克尔·乔丹和丹尼汉姆林形成杯系列团队布巴华莱士驱动程序。篮球传奇人物迈克尔·乔丹和三次Daytona 500的冠军丹尼汉姆林形成一个单一的汽车纳斯卡杯系列团队,布巴·华莱士作为它的驱动程序。Nascar: Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin form Cup Series team with Bubba Wallace as driver. Basketball legend Michael Jordan and three-time Daytona 500 winner Denny Hamlin form a single-car Nascar Cup Series team, with Bubba Wallace as its driver.
任志强:心直口快的前地产大亨得到18年监狱。任志强去了今年早些时候撰写论文后失踪据说是习主席的关键。Ren Zhiqiang: Outspoken ex-real estate tycoon gets 18 years jail. Ren Zhiqiang went missing earlier this year after writing an essay said to be critical of President Xi.
野生枫树"在保护严重的需要"。五分之一的种枫树在其自然栖息地受到威胁,消光研究说。Wild maple trees 'in serious need of conservation'. One in five species of maple are threatened in their natural habitats, an extinction study says.
阿瓦马克斯:"我需要它,不管是什么"。她14年的追求名利,这使她打算确定的流行歌星会谈。Ava Max: 'I need to make it, no matter what'. The pop star talks about her 14-year quest for fame, and the determination that kept her going.
Cronavirus:亚洲股市继续全球性后果。冠状病毒的情况下,第二次浪潮的担忧发送股走低,澳洲股市重创。Cronavirus: Asia stock markets continue global fallout. Fears of a second wave of coronavirus cases sent stocks lower, with Australian shares hit hard.
澳大利亚鲸鱼:90死在集体搁浅关闭塔斯马尼亚岛。救援人员正在竞相拯救搁浅关闭塔斯马尼亚西海岸的一组270头鲸的幸存者。Australia whales: 90 dead in mass stranding off Tasmania. Rescuers are racing to save the survivors of a group of 270 whales beached off Tasmania's west coast.
意大利投票通过第三削减议会的大小。几乎70%的投票赞成通过减少三分之一议员的数量。Italy votes to slash size of parliament by a third. Almost 70% vote in favour of reducing the number of lawmakers by a third.
金斯伯格死亡:在接下来会发生什么选民。我们问来自美国各地选民在权衡正义的死亡和明年会发生什么。Ruth Bader Ginsburg death: Voters on what happens next. We asked voters from across the US to weigh in on the justice's death and what should happen next.
冠状经济:"银行家女士节能债务朋友。在一片大流行和经济危机中,少数族裔转向传统的储蓄方法来帮助。Coronavirus economy: The 'banker ladies' saving friends from debt. Amid a pandemic and economic crisis, minority communities turn to traditional saving methods to help.
马里政变如何影响对圣战者的战斗。成千上万的联合国,法国和地区的士兵在战斗马里伊斯兰激进分子 - 什么差别将政变化妆?How Mali's coup affects the fight against jihadists. Thousands of UN, French and regional soldiers are in Mali fighting Islamist militants - what difference will the coup make?

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