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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 欧洲移民:欧盟揭示迁移强制性规则。新的迁移协议设置为公布,但这些措施都可能面临一些反对。 - Europe migration: EU to reveal mandatory rules on ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 23, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 欧洲移民:欧盟揭示迁移强制性规则。新的迁移协议设置为公布,但这些措施都可能面临一些反对。 - Europe migration: EU to reveal mandatory rules on ...

中文 (Chinese) English
欧洲移民:欧盟揭示迁移强制性规则。新的迁移协议设置为公布,但这些措施都可能面临一些反对。Europe migration: EU to reveal mandatory rules on migration. A new migration pact is set to be announced, but the measures are likely to face some opposition.
中国"胁迫"数千藏人进入大规模劳改 - 报告。研究人员警告"军事化职业培训"可能会导致文化遗产的损失。China 'coercing' thousands of Tibetans into mass labour camps - report. Researchers warn the "militarised vocational training" can lead to a loss of cultural heritage.
Breonna泰勒:肯塔基市检察院决定提前边缘。路易斯维尔担心的内乱在等待听到过Breonna泰勒杀害任何费用。Breonna Taylor: Kentucky city on edge ahead of prosecutor decision. Louisville fears civil unrest at it waits to hear of any charges over the killing of Breonna Taylor.
澳大利亚鲸鱼搁浅:470只动物现在搁浅在塔斯马尼亚纪录。澳大利亚救援人员发现了大量的救援工作期间更搁浅的鲸鱼,但担心很多都死了。Australia whale stranding: 470 animals now beached in Tasmania record. Australian rescuers find more beached whales during a large rescue effort, but fear many are dead.
耐克希望永久转移到网上销售。运动服饰巨头已经看到了数码销售飙升,并说一些客户将恢复到店。Nike expects permanent shift to online sales. The sportswear giant has seen digital sales soar and says few customers will revert back to stores.
麝香:便宜特斯拉准备"在三年左右的时间。"有关更便宜的电池和$ 25,000型号新闻并没有激发投资者$ 500亿,从它的价值擦拭。Musk: Cheaper Tesla ready 'in about three years'. News about cheaper batteries and a $25,000 model didn't excite investors as $50bn was wiped from its value.
英国将在伊斯兰国"披头士"美国的证据。 Alexanda科泰和El Shafee Elsheikh被指控杀害伊拉克和叙利亚的西方人质。UK sends US evidence on Islamic State 'Beatles'. Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh are accused of killing Western hostages in Iraq and Syria.
GORDI:这位流行天后的医生谁回答Covid电话。澳大利亚歌手GORDI通过义诊"达人",以及她的音乐。Gordi: The pop star doctor who answered the Covid call. Australian singer Gordi is "reaching people" through medical consultations, as well as her music.
是世界进入了一个新的冷战?最近美国与中国的紧张局势在联合国在纽约特朗普和熙的发言都被戳穿。Is the world entering a new Cold War?. The recent US-China tensions were laid bare in speeches by Trump and Xi at the UN in New York.
在"王牌车":"我已经厌倦了人们放下我们的总统"。在宽松的城镇特朗普支持者组织运输队,以培育团结保守派之间。The 'Trump train': 'I'm tired of people putting down our president'. Trump supporters in liberal towns organise truck convoys to foster solidarity among conservatives.

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