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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 开拓美国女星西塞·泰森死亡96岁了,她的职业生涯七个十年期间发挥强大的非洲裔人物是众所周知的。 - Pioneering US actress Cicely Tyson dies aged 96. S... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 29, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 开拓美国女星西塞·泰森死亡96岁了,她的职业生涯七个十年期间发挥强大的非洲裔人物是众所周知的。 - Pioneering US actress Cicely Tyson dies aged 96. S...

中文 (Chinese) English
开拓美国女星西塞·泰森死亡96岁了,她的职业生涯七个十年期间发挥强大的非洲裔人物是众所周知的。Pioneering US actress Cicely Tyson dies aged 96. She was known for playing strong African-American characters during a career spanning seven decades.
冠状病毒:挤出效应火炬政府建设为锁定动荡仍在继续。超过100人在抗议活动的第四个晚上在的黎波里市据说受伤。Coronavirus: Crowds torch government building as lockdown unrest continues. More than 100 people are reportedly injured in the city of Tripoli in a fourth night of protests.
Indomie:邪教喜爱的"MI炒饭"方便面模具的创造者。 Nunuk Nuraini发明Indomie的"米炒饭"面,这在全球范围内拥有迷。Indomie: Creator of cult favourite 'mi goreng' instant noodle dies. Nunuk Nuraini invented Indomie's "mi goreng" noodle, which has fans across the globe.
中国警告台独"意味战争"作为美国承诺支持。警告几天前,中国加紧军事活动附近的自治的岛屿。China warns Taiwan independence 'means war' as US pledges support. The warning comes days after China stepped up military activities near the self-governed island.
澳网网球运动员开始离开酒店检疫。他们已经在一些引起批评和表扬反Covid措施花费在隔离14天。Australian Open tennis players begin to exit hotel quarantine. They have spent 14 days in isolation under anti-Covid measures that have drawn criticism and praise.
发现石油可以把柬埔寨经济身边?全国首个石油项目终于开始经过15年的错误的开始抽的黑金。Can striking oil turn Cambodia's economy around?. The country's first oil project has finally started pumping the black gold after 15 years of false starts.
福特开始在中国建设电动野马。在美国汽车制造商希望与特斯拉和其他中国汽车制造商电的喜欢竞争。Ford to start building electric Mustangs in China. The US carmaker wants to compete with the likes of Tesla and other Chinese electric carmakers.
NY漏计数千养老院冠状病毒死亡。该报告直接削弱了州长安德鲁科莫,谁在吹嘘他的大流行应对。NY undercounted nursing home coronavirus deaths by thousands. The report directly undercuts Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has boasted about his pandemic response.
美墨边境:震惊村的可怕的攻击。家庭寻找答案后,19人在美墨边境打死,然后燃烧起来。US-Mexico border: The gruesome attack that shocked a village. Families look for answers after 19 people were killed then set alight on the US-Mexico border.
非洲的一周图片:1月21日至28日2021本周的最佳照片选择从整个非洲大陆和超越。Africa's week in pictures: 21-28 January 2021. A selection of the week's best photos from across the continent and beyond.

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