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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 埃塞俄比亚选举2021年:Abiy Ahmed Faces First Pote在冲突中。 Abiy - Ethiopia elections 2021: Abiy Ahmed faces first vo... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

June 21, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 埃塞俄比亚选举2021年:Abiy Ahmed Faces First Pote在冲突中。 Abiy - Ethiopia elections 2021: Abiy Ahmed faces first vo...

中文 (Chinese) English
埃塞俄比亚选举2021年:Abiy Ahmed Faces First Pote在冲突中。 Abiy Ahmed希望获得最受欢迎的任务,但民意调查没有在战争蹂躏的rigay中持有。Ethiopia elections 2021: Abiy Ahmed faces first vote amid conflict. Abiy Ahmed is hoping to secure a popular mandate, but polls are not being held in war-torn Tigray.
Laurel Hubbard:第一个竞争奥运会的Transcender运动员。 NZ举重者劳雷尔·哈伯德为东京领导,但批评人士表示,她有一个不公平的优势。Laurel Hubbard: First transgender athlete to compete at Olympics. NZ weightlifter Laurel Hubbard is headed for Tokyo but critics say she has an unfair advantage.
国际瑜伽日:由于Covid-19,柔和的庆祝活动。部长们敦促人们遵循瑜伽,但请他们避免大型聚会来标记这一天。International Day of Yoga: Muted celebrations due to Covid-19. Ministers urge people to follow yoga but ask them to avoid big gatherings to mark the day.
顾问表示,苹果每日:香港民主书可以"关闭日内"。经过500名军官袭击本文后,冻结了与本公司相关的价值1800万港元。Apple Daily: HK pro-democracy paper could 'shut within days', says adviser. It comes after 500 officers raided the paper and froze HK$18m worth of assets linked to the company.
Barnaby Joyce在派对叛乱后作为澳大利亚副手返回。 Barnaby Joyce作为副总理的回归可能会影响澳大利亚的气候变化政策。Barnaby Joyce to return as Australia deputy PM after party revolt. Barnaby Joyce's return as deputy prime minister could impact Australia's climate change policies.
亚美尼亚选举:PM Nikol Pashinyan声称胜利。在该国与阿塞拜疆冲突中遭到破坏之后,呼叫选举。Armenia election: PM Nikol Pashinyan claims victory. The snap election was called in the wake of the country's defeat in a conflict with Azerbaijan.
法国区域选举:Macron和Le Pen无法制造地面投票。早期结果表明,双方都未能在法国的区域选举中致力于理由。France regional election: Macron and Le Pen fail to make ground - exit poll. Early results indicate both parties have failed to make ground in France's regional elections.
Usain Bolt欢迎新生儿双胞胎雷和圣利奥。奥运冠军和他的女朋友Kasi Bennett宣布了Instagram的出生。Usain Bolt welcomes newborn twin sons Thunder and Saint Leo. The Olympic champion and his girlfriend Kasi Bennett announced the births on Instagram.
朝鲜的皇后银行康复了1亿美元。 2016年,朝鲜黑客在孟加拉国的国家银行计划了1亿美元的RAID,并在一英寸的成功范围内。但他们是怎么做到的?North Korea's attempted $1bn bank hack. In 2016 North Korean hackers planned a $1bn raid on Bangladesh's national bank and came within an inch of success. But how did they do it?
Joe Biden:我的惊讶声称是美国总统的英国表弟。 Paul Harris有记录,通过最近发现英国祖先,通过最近发现了与总统的联系。Joe Biden: My surprise claim to be the US president's English cousin. Paul Harris has records that show a link to the president via recently discovered English ancestors.

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