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Carlos Ghosn:父亲和儿子被判刑,以帮助Ex-Nissan Boss逃生。 Michael和Peter Taylor在2019年帮助Ex-Nissan Boss Carlos Ghosn逃生日本。 | Carlos Ghosn: Father and son sentenced for helping ex-Nissan boss escape. Michael and Peter Taylor were convicted of helping ex-Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn escape Japan in 2019. |
为什么我家里举办了30多个难民。自从她的女儿搬出来,Karina Litvack已经在伦敦居住了数十名难民。 | Why I've hosted more than 30 refugees in my house. Karina Litvack has housed dozens of refugees in London since her daughters moved out. |
Katie Hopkins将通过检疫规则从澳大利亚被驱逐出境。 Katie Hopkins - 右翼英国评论员 - 拖放计划打破隔离规则。 | Katie Hopkins to be deported from Australia over quarantine rules. Katie Hopkins - a right-wing British commentator - bragged about plans to break isolation rules. |
Covid疫苗接种中心在法国破坏。该事件来自法国政府新的Covid规则的大众抗议活动。 | Covid vaccination centres vandalised in France. The incidents came on a weekend of mass protests against the French government's new Covid rules. |
Covid:全球医疗保健工人错过了Jabs。 Campaigners表示,百万甚至没有一种疫苗剂量,为他们的社区提出担忧。 | Covid: Global healthcare workers missing out on jabs. Campaigners say millions have not had even one vaccine dose, raising concerns for their communities. |
东京奥运会:"牡蛎瘟疫的瘟疫"威胁着关键的场地。花了超过100万美元,以便在东京海洋水路的海湾保持吨流氓贝类。 | Tokyo Olympics: 'Plague of oysters' threaten key venue. More than $1m has been spent to keep tonnes of rogue shellfish at bay in Tokyo's Sea Forest Waterway. |
Pegasus:Spyware销往政府的目标活动人士'。以色列科技公司NSO否认媒体报道其软件已销往授权制度。 | Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'. Israeli tech firm NSO denies media reports that its software has been sold to authoritarian regimes. |
Kurt Westergaard,丹麦漫画家穆罕默德卡通,死于86。他2005年的先知穆罕默德绘制了穆斯林世界的抗议活动。 | Kurt Westergaard, Danish cartoonist behind Muhammad cartoon, dies at 86. His 2005 drawing of the Prophet Muhammad sparked protests across the Muslim world. |
牡蛎的瘟疫威胁着关键的奥运会。花了超过100万美元,以便在东京海洋水路的海湾保持吨流氓贝类。 | Plague of oysters' threaten key Olympic venue. More than $1m has been spent to keep tonnes of rogue shellfish at bay in Tokyo's Sea Forest Waterway. |
奥运会:蔑视威胁,伊朗运动员讲话禁止禁令。敦促奥运会组织者调查威胁,歧视和滥用的指控。 | Olympics: Defying threats, Iranian athletes speak out to back ban. Olympics organisers are being urged to investigate allegations of threats, discrimination and abuse. |