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乌克兰紧张局势:当入侵恐惧增长时,日内瓦的紧急美俄罗斯会谈。美国顶级和俄罗斯外交官将在日内瓦见面,因为恐惧入侵成长。 | Ukraine tension: Urgent US-Russia talks in Geneva as invasion fears grow. The top US and Russian diplomats will meet in Geneva later as fears of an invasion grow. |
三星在速度后用拖累女王拉广告。这份广告显示了一个穆斯林母亲对她的拖累女王儿子表达支持,在线批评。 | Samsung pulls ad with drag queen after backlash. The ad, which showed a Muslim mother expressing support for her drag queen son, was criticised online. |
Elza Soares:巴西桑巴传奇死亡的贡献91岁。她的职业生涯跨越了六十年,她用她的音乐来反对种族主义。 | Elza Soares: Tributes as Brazilian samba legend dies aged 91. Her career spanned six decades and she used her music to campaign against racism. |
美国为四个白俄罗斯官员收取飞机盗版的飞行转移。检察官说,这些人报告了一个假炸弹威胁,以拘留在明斯克的反对者记者。 | US charges four Belarus officials with aircraft piracy over flight diversion. Prosecutors say the men reported a fake bomb threat to detain an opposition journalist in Minsk. |
为什么唯一的艺术创造者可以入狱才能发布裸体。 Titus Low是新加坡最成功的唯一创造者之一 - 但现在他可能会发现自己在监狱里。 | Why an OnlyFans creator could go to jail for posting nudes. Titus Low is one of Singapore's most successful OnlyFans creators - but now he might find himself in jail. |
哈萨克斯坦骚乱:'如果你再次抗议,我们会杀了你'。哈萨克斯坦的活动家表示,随着警察在骚乱之后打击,他们被捕并殴打。 | Kazakhstan unrest: 'If you protest again, we'll kill you'. Activists in Kazakhstan say they are being arrested and beaten as police crack down after unrest. |
法国选举:划分左翼战争为自己的比赛。在生活记忆中第一次没有左翼候选人对总统挑战。 | French elections: Divided left fight doomed race of their own. For the first time in living memory there is no left-wing candidate challenging for the presidency. |
Franco Mulakkal:数百人写信给喀拉拉邦的尼姑,谁失去了主教的强奸案。女权主义者和活动家谴责法院订单清算Bishop Franco Mulakal。 | Franco Mulakkal: Hundreds write to Kerala nun who lost rape case against bishop. Feminists and activists have denounced the court order clearing Bishop Franco Mulakkal. |
汤加:零Covid岛国家担心援助可以带来病毒。正在努力提供具有最小感染风险的人道主义供应。 | Tonga: Zero-Covid island nation fears aid could bring in virus. Efforts are being made to deliver humanitarian supplies with minimum risk of infection. |
我们说,乌克兰正试图生存。 Blinken说,如果俄罗斯将事件作为入侵的借口,则不应该感到惊讶。 | Ukraine is just trying to survive, says US. Blinken says no-one should be surprised if Russia contrives an incident as a pretext for invasion. |