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安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)担任联合国难民使节。好莱坞明星说,她现在想与最直接受冲突影响的人领导的团体合作。 | Angelina Jolie steps down as UN refugee envoy. The Hollywood star says she now wants to work with groups led by people most directly affected by conflict. |
国会大厦骚乱:为特朗普寻求指控的委员会。据报道,该委员会将寻求对前美国总统起义的前所未有的起义指控。 | Capitol riot: Committee to seek charges for Trump - reports. The committee will reportedly seek an unprecedented charge of insurrection against an ex-US president. |
秘鲁抗议活动:在加深危机中,高级谈判。高级政治家和教会领袖试图结束对佩德罗·卡斯蒂略总统的罢免的致命抗议。 | Peru protests: High-level talks amid deepening crisis. Top politicians and church leaders seek to end deadly protests over the ousting of President Pedro Castillo. |
我们结束裂纹和粉末可卡因量刑差异。司法部终止了数十年的准则,这些准则使美国人被监禁不成比例。 | US to end crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity. The justice department ends decades-old guidelines that saw black Americans disproportionately incarcerated. |
好莱坞的名人山狮子P-22结束了他的统治。他的魅力和不寻常的住所使P -22成为图标 - 但山狮的日子已经编号。 | P-22, Hollywood's celebrity mountain lion, ends his reign. His charisma and unusual residence made P-22 an icon - but the mountain lion's days are numbered. |
TSHALA MUANA:Raunchy Dr Dr Driva,他着陆了一个大陆。 Tshala Muana以其声音和性感舞蹈而闻名,这导致呼吁她被禁止。 | Tshala Muana: The raunchy DR Congo diva who captivated a continent. Tshala Muana was known for both her voice and sexy dancing which led to calls for her to be banned. |
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)为什么要在Twitter上度过自己的时间,而不是去火星的任务?朋友和同事说,他的计划可能很难预测,但他们不会押注他。 | Why is Elon Musk spending his time on Twitter, not on the mission to Mars?. Friends and colleagues say his plans may be hard to predict, but they wouldn't bet against him. |
基督教民族主义者:想把上帝纳入美国政府。在美国,右翼基督教运动正依靠它认为其神圣的使命。 | Christian nationalists: Wanting to put God into US government. A right-wing Christian movement in the US is set on what it sees as its divine mission. |
ANC会议:SA总裁Ramaphosa努力阻止自己的聚会。在非国大党会议的开幕词中,西里尔·拉马福萨总统受到了破坏。 | ANC conference: SA President Ramaphosa struggles to stop hecklers in own party. President Cyril Ramaphosa is disrupted during the opening speech of the ANC party conference. |
从难民营到世界杯:叙利亚球员希望使比赛变得更大。邀请居住在Zaatari难民营中的四名叙利亚少年参加巴西足球学校。 | From refugee camp to the World Cup: The Syrian players hoping to make it big. Four Syrian teenagers living in the Zaatari refugee camp were invited to join a Brazilian football school. |