中文 (Chinese) | English |
#ERROR! | Russia may send empty Soyuz to bring ISS crew home. The crew members may have to return to Earth early after their capsule started leaking. |
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在1月6日的袭击中指控多方阴谋。一个调查去年对美国国会大厦袭击的小组发行了845页的发现。 | Donald Trump accused of multi-party conspiracy over 6 January attack. A panel investigating last year's attack on the US Capitol releases its 845-page findings. |
越南资深人士在直觉上赢得了六次彩票。马萨诸塞州男子的头部抓手策略为他赚了近200万美元,再加上20美元的25,000美元付款。 | Vietnam veteran wins lottery six times on intuition. The Massachusetts man's head-scratching strategy nets him nearly $2m, plus 20 annual payments of $25,000. |
#ERROR! | After an epic journey ends, what happens next?. Migrants allowed into the US don't stay at the border long - this is how they decide where to go now. |
#ERROR! | South Sudan floods: Fleeing Nile waters to a minefield. Photos of people displaced by war bearing the brunt of a climate crisis along South Sudan's River Nile. |
在尼日利亚举行的印第安人家庭的焦虑圣诞节。自八月以来,有16名印度水手的家庭被拘留在非洲。 | Anxious Christmas for families of Indians held in Nigeria. Families of 16 Indian sailors who have been detained in Africa since August say they are waiting anxiously. |
美国支出账单到底是什么?从蒂克托克(Tiktok)到龙虾钓鱼的一切规定都在4,155页的立法中。 | What exactly is in the $1.7tr US spending bill?. Provisions on everything from TikTok to lobster fishing are in the 4,155-page legislation. |
#ERROR! | North Korea sold arms to Russia's Wagner group, US says. The White House says North Korea provided missiles and rockets to be used in Ukraine, which Pyongyang denies. |
#ERROR! | He Huang: How a comedian divided Chinese social media. Chinese comedian He Huang went viral with a performance in Sydney, prompting a heated response. |
#ERROR! | Far-right groups had racism rift before Capitol riot. The Oath Keepers and Proud Boy had a shared love of Donald Trump, but not so much for each other. |
December 23, 2022
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