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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 在60秒内观看必看的奥斯卡时刻。一次无处不在的一切都是今年奥斯卡奖的最大赢家。 - Watch the must-see Oscar moments in 60 seconds. Ev... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 13, 2023

中文 (Chinese) - English : 在60秒内观看必看的奥斯卡时刻。一次无处不在的一切都是今年奥斯卡奖的最大赢家。 - Watch the must-see Oscar moments in 60 seconds. Ev...

中文 (Chinese) English
在60秒内观看必看的奥斯卡时刻。一次无处不在的一切都是今年奥斯卡奖的最大赢家。Watch the must-see Oscar moments in 60 seconds. Everything Everywhere All at Once was the big winner at this year's Oscars.
奥斯卡颁奖典礼第95届奥斯卡金像奖 - 完整列表。米歇尔·约(Michelle Yeoh)赢得了最佳女演员,所有地方的所有地方都始终一无所有。Oscars winners at the 95th Academy Awards - full list. Everything Everywhere All at Once scoops the best picture Oscar - as Michelle Yeoh wins best actress.
第95届奥斯卡金像奖的7个最佳奥斯卡时刻。一个全圈的时刻,非常活跃的熊以及仪式中对巴掌特征的参考。7 best Oscars moments from the 95th Academy Awards. A full-circle moment, a very hyperactive bear and a reference to The Slap feature in the ceremony.
Tiktok用户向中国耸耸肩,担心:"很难关心"。对Tiktok国家安全风险的政治强烈抗议使使用者几乎没有陷入困境。TikTok users shrug at China fears: 'It's hard to care'. Political outcry about TikTok national security risks has made little dent among users.
罗兴亚营地大火是"计划破坏的" - 调查人员。孟加拉国调查人员说,武装分子将大火"统治"了世界上最大的难民营。Rohingya camp fire was 'planned sabotage' - investigators. Militants set the fire to "dominate" the world's largest refugee camp, Bangladesh investigators say.
乌克兰战争:据报道,巨大的损失是巴赫穆特的战斗。乌克兰和俄罗斯都报告说,东部城市造成了巨大损失。Ukraine war: Heavy losses reported as battle for Bakhmut rages. Both Ukraine and Russia have reported inflicting significant losses in the eastern city.
奥斯卡2023年:米歇尔·约(Michelle Yeoh)成为亚洲最佳女演员冠军。米歇尔·约(Michelle Yeoh)是奥斯卡(Oscar)最佳女演员的首位亚洲冠军。Oscars 2023: Michelle Yeoh becomes first Asian best actress winner. Michelle Yeoh is the first Asian winner of the best actress Oscar for her performance in the film.
独裁者的女儿如何建造2亿英镑的房地产帝国。一份报告称,古尔纳拉·卡里莫娃(Gulnara Karimova)购买了房屋和一艘通过贿赂和腐败获得资金的飞机。How a dictator's daughter built £200m property empire. Gulnara Karimova bought homes and a jet with funds obtained via bribery and corruption, a report says.
乌克兰战争:俄罗斯占领下的野生生命。俄罗斯在残酷的攻城攻击后占领了玛丽波尔。现在,它试图赢得心灵。Ukraine war: Life in Mariupol under Russian occupation. Russia captured Mariupol in May after a brutal siege. Now, it's trying to win hearts and minds.
硅谷银行:美国银行失败的钱是安全的 - 美国政府。美国官员说,与硅谷银行一起的存款人可以从周一开始获得所有资金。Silicon Valley Bank: Money in failed US bank is safe - US government. Depositors with Silicon Valley Bank can access all their money from Monday, US officials say.

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