中文 (Chinese) | English |
日本指控男人杀死了老鼠毒。据当地媒体报道,在一个无意识的女性亲戚的身体中也发现了有毒物质。 | Japan indicts man for killing student with rat poison. The toxic substance was also found in the body of an unconscious female relative, local media reported. |
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk):Twitter说,源代码的一部分在线泄漏。据报道,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)还表示,Twitter的价值不到他支付的金额的一半。 | Elon Musk: Twitter says parts of source code leaked online. Elon Musk has also reportedly indicated Twitter is now worth less than half the amount he paid for it. |
阿富汗女孩的教育:"当我看到男孩上学时,这很痛。"阿富汗少女描述了在塔利班统治下被禁止上学时感到"破碎"。 | Afghanistan girls' education: 'When I see the boys going to school, it hurts'. Afghan teenage girls describe feeling "broken" at being barred from attending school under Taliban rule. |
缅甸陆军首长在罕见的演讲中发誓要粉碎抵抗。明尼将军昂·霍恩(Min Aung Hlaing)将对军队的武装抵抗称为"恐怖行为"。 | Myanmar army chief vows to crush resistance in rare speech. General Min Aung Hlaing described the armed resistance against the military as "acts of terror". |
警察水加农炮打击以色列的抗议者。当以色列总理内塔尼亚胡解雇他的国防部长时,成千上万的抗议者走上了街。 | Police water cannon strike down protesters in Israel. Thousands of protesters take to the street as Israel's PM Netanyahu fires his defence minister. |
内塔尼亚胡解雇国防部长后,大众以色列抗议。在Yoav Gallant撤职后,成千上万的人证明了反对有争议的司法改革。 | Mass Israel protests after Netanyahu fires defence minister. Tens of thousands demonstrate after the removal of Yoav Gallant - who spoke out against controversial judicial reforms. |
Eurovision 2023:Mae Muller和其他有希望的人在整个欧洲开始举办派对。歌曲大赛的参与者通过为欧洲各地的球迷表演而开始对利物浦的积累。 | Eurovision 2023: Mae Muller and other hopefuls get pre-parties started across Europe. Participants of the song contest begin the build-up to Liverpool by performing for fans across Europe. |
喀拉拉邦:世界上人口最多的国家的一个幽灵小镇。印度南部喀拉拉邦的一个小镇正在努力应对衰老社会的后果。 | Kerala: A ghost town in the world's most populated country. A town in the southern Indian state of Kerala is grappling with the consequences of an ageing society. |
罢工使德国的公共交通网络停止。 24小时罢工是该国几十年来最大的罢工之一。 | Strike brings Germany's public transport network to halt. The 24-hour walkout is one of the largest the country has experienced in decades. |
想要阻止您"取消"的网络公司。网站和应用程序Rumble表示,它为YouTube和Twitter等人提供了未经审查的竞争对手。 | The web firm that wants to stop you getting 'cancelled'. Website and app Rumble says it offers an uncensored rival to the likes of YouTube and Twitter. |