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西班牙警察局遭到指控的前军强盗。 "高技能"的嫌疑人被指控针对南部马拉加省的豪华房屋。 | Spain police bust gang of alleged ex-military robbers. The "highly skilled" suspects are accused of targeting luxury homes in the southern Málaga province. |
日本:因京都动漫大火而被判处死刑的男子杀死了36人。在一个受人尊敬的京都动画工作室中的纵火袭击杀死了36人,炸伤了数十人。 | Japan: Man sentenced to death for Kyoto anime fire which killed 36. The arson attack in a revered Kyoto animation studio killed 36 people and injured dozens more. |
冷冻的鳄鱼仍然活在冰冷的水域中。视频显示了爬行动物如何在低温下生存的毛刺,一种不活动的状态。 | Frozen' alligators still alive in icy cold waters. Video shows how reptiles undergo brumation, a state of inactivity, to survive in low temperatures. |
库克船长在澳大利亚国庆日之前锯了。警方在一条消息旁边的脚踝被锯开后调查,说"殖民地将会倒下"。 | Captain Cook statue sawn off ahead of Australia Day. Police investigate after it was sawn off at the ankles next to a message saying "the colony will fall". |
737 Max 9:波音喷气式飞机在空中事件发生后飞行。但是,美国航空监管机构将不允许波音扩大其最畅销飞机的生产。 | 737 Max 9: Boeing jets cleared to fly after mid-air incident. However, the US aviation regulator will not yet allow Boeing to expand production of its best-selling plane. |
约翰内斯堡的Usindiso消防人幸存者生活在南非不安全的棚屋中。南非最致命的大火几个月后,家庭生活在没有动力或水的棚屋里。 | Johanesburg's Usindiso fire survivors living in unsafe shacks in South Africa. Months after South Africa's deadliest fire, families are living in shacks with no power or water. |
热轮 - 轮椅网球如何成为大满贯的平局。 "感觉并不大。"杰伊特·米斯特里(Jayant Mistry)在2002年澳大利亚公开赛上打轮椅网球。但是,这项运动首次将这项运动带入了大满贯的聚光灯。 | Hot wheels - how wheelchair tennis became a Grand Slam draw. "It didn't feel huge," said Jayant Mistry of playing wheelchair tennis at the 2002 Australian Open. But bringing the sport into the Grand Slam spotlight for the first time changed everything. |
Halle Berry的电影由Netflix搁置 - 美国媒体。据报道,美国奥斯卡奖女演员的科幻冒险据报道,母舰需要重大重新拍摄。 | Halle Berry's film shelved by Netflix - US media. US Oscar-winning actress's sci-fi adventure The Mothership reportedly required significant reshoots. |
阿桑特·戈尔德(Asante Gold):英国借用加纳(Ghana)掠夺的"皇冠珠宝"。英国广播公司(BBC)可以揭示150年前的宝藏将返回,以其他争议的模式揭示。 | Asante Gold: UK to loan back Ghana's looted 'crown jewels'. Treasures taken 150 years ago will go back, the BBC can reveal, in a possible model for other disputes. |
妇女在淹没的汽车上14小时后救出。该名女子开车进入了一条充满活力的小溪,并通过爬上翻转的汽车并等待一夜之间幸存下来。 | Woman rescued after 14 hours atop submerged car. The woman had driven into an engorged creek and survived by climbing on her flipped car and waiting overnight to be found. |