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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 联邦法官无限期推迟特朗普的选举干预审判。联邦审判定于3月4日开始,但由于唐纳德·特朗普(Donald - Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump's elect... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 03, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : 联邦法官无限期推迟特朗普的选举干预审判。联邦审判定于3月4日开始,但由于唐纳德·特朗普(Donald - Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump's elect...

中文 (Chinese) English
联邦法官无限期推迟特朗普的选举干预审判。联邦审判定于3月4日开始,但由于唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)对指控提出上诉,因此被推迟。Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump's election meddling trial. The federal trial was set to begin on 4 March, but is delayed as Donald Trump appeals the charges.
在美国人车库中发现的惰性核弹导弹。警方说,该设备没有任何致命的弹头,并且是"基本上是火箭燃料的汽油箱"。Inert nuclear missile found in US man's garage. The device did not have any deadly warhead, and is "basically a gas tank for rocket fuel", police say.
罗斯·阿特金斯(Ros Atkins)在……伊朗,其代理和"抵抗轴"。英国广播公司(BBC)的分析编辑解释了美国罢工中心的伊朗支持的民兵团体。Ros Atkins on… Iran, its proxies and the 'Axis of Resistance'. The BBC's analysis editor explains the Iran-backed militia groups at the centre of US strikes.
我们对我们在伊拉克和叙利亚进行报复罢工的了解。从美国飞行的轰炸机在30分钟内遭到了85多个目标。What we know about US retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria. More than 85 targets were struck in 30 minutes with bombers flown from the United States.
面对霍蒂斯:也门的叛军统治者有多强大?胡希斯仅占也门的15%,但他们认为自己是应有的统治者。Confronting the Houthis: How powerful are Yemen's rebel rulers?. The Houthis represent only around 15 per cent of Yemenis, yet they consider themselves the rightful rulers.
南卡罗来纳州民主党初选:黑人选民是否失去了对乔·拜登的信心?在南卡罗来纳州,许多人对总统感到沮丧。有人说他们不会投票 - 其他人正在支持特朗普。South Carolina Democratic primary: Are black voters losing faith in Joe Biden?. In South Carolina, many are frustrated with the president. Some say they won't vote - others are backing Trump.
索马里盗版:我们目睹了它从该国海岸返回?印度最近的海洋劫持者引起了人们的担忧,即一个旧问题可能是卷土重来。Somalia piracy: Are we witnessing its return off the country's coast?. Recent India Ocean hijackings are fuelling concerns that an old problem could be making a comeback.
巴基斯坦:为在Bal路支省消失的成千上万的人进军。家庭认为,成千上万的人被巴基斯坦的军队捡起并强行消失。Pakistan: Marching for the thousands who disappeared in Balochistan. Families believe thousands of people have been picked up and forcibly disappeared by Pakistan's army.
图片中的一周:1月27日至2024年2月2日。在过去七天中拍摄的来自世界各地的醒目图像。Week in pictures: 27 January - 2 February 2024. A selection of striking images from around the world, taken over the past seven days.
我们应该害怕发声克隆吗?专家说,音频深击很容易制作,很难检测到更具说服力。Should we fear an attack of the voice clones?. Audio deepfakes are easy to make, hard to detect, and getting more convincing, experts say.

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