中文 (Chinese) | English |
安东尼约书亚:德雷克诅咒安迪·鲁伊斯小指责为失败而在四月的说唱歌手说他是"回合打破魔咒"所带来的拳击手。他没有。 | Anthony Joshua: Drake curse blamed for defeat by Andy Ruiz Jr. The boxer posed with the rapper in April saying he was 'Bout to break the curse'. He didn't. |
印度作为卷轴夏季气温50℃碰。印度部分地区是世界上最热的中,人们都在努力保持冷静。 | India reels as summer temperatures touch 50C. Parts of India are among the hottest in the world and people are struggling to keep cool. |
南大黛维:在狩猎发现为登山者在印度失踪遗体的工作。救援直升机掩护在寻求在喜马拉雅山8名失踪登山五具尸体。 | Nanda Devi: Bodies spotted in hunt for climbers missing in India. A rescue helicopter spots five bodies in the search for eight missing climbers in the Himalayas. |
默克尔联盟政党举行之际SPD动荡危机举行了会谈。德国总理默克尔的联盟是在动荡SPD领导人安德烈埃·纳赫莱斯退出之后。 | Merkel coalition parties hold crisis talks amid SPD turmoil. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition is in turmoil after SPD leader Andrea Nahles quits. |
德国神秘超过卡塞尔政治家的"枪死亡"。调查开始刑事调查到政治领袖的死亡在城市卡塞尔。 | German mystery over Kassel politician's 'gun death'. Investigators begin a criminal inquiry into the death of a political leader in the city of Kassel. |
加拿大在其委内瑞拉使馆暂停操作。加拿大表示,大使馆正在关闭其外交官不能得到他们的认可续期。 | Canada suspends operations at its Venezuela embassy. Canada says the embassy is being shut as its diplomats cannot get their accreditation renewed. |
南大黛维:营救登山者寻找失踪的登山者。四名英国登山帮助寻找八人谁已经失踪在喜马拉雅山脉的日子。 | Nanda Devi: Rescued climbers search for missing mountaineers. Four UK mountaineers help search for eight others who have been missing in the Himalayas for days. |
苏丹危机:安全部队对抗议者的举动"。至少有八人被报道为死亡,但军方否认使用武力对付示威者。 | Sudan crisis: Security forces 'move against protesters'. At least eight people are reported to be dead, but the military denies using force against protesters. |
金容哲:"已清除" N韩国外交官似乎与金。金容哲据报道,被劳教,但官方媒体说,他参加了上周日表演。 | Kim Yong-chol: 'Purged' N Korean diplomat appears with Kim. Kim Yong-chol was reported to be in a labour camp, but state media say he attended a show on Sunday. |
新加坡战斗机虚报炸弹后护送酷航飞机。警方说,以一个13岁的乘客对谁据称骗局背后的飞行。 | Singapore fighter jets escort Scoot plane after bomb hoax. Police are speaking to a 13-year-old passenger on the flight who was allegedly behind the hoax. |
June 03, 2019
中文 (Chinese) - English : 安东尼约书亚:德雷克诅咒安迪·鲁伊斯小指责为失败而在四月的说唱歌手说他是“回合打破魔咒”所带来的拳击 - Anthony Joshua: Drake curse blamed for defeat by A...
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