中文 (Chinese) | English |
泰国拍摄:幸存者回忆枪横冲直撞的考验。购物者搭起临时路障针对受害者的头一个16小时横冲直撞的战士。 | Thailand shooting: Survivors recall ordeal of gun rampage. Shoppers put up makeshift barricades as a soldier aimed at victims' heads on a 16-hour rampage. |
冠状病毒:数以千计的游船允许测试后下船。一些3600人终于可以下船在香港冠状回报负测试之后。 | Coronavirus: Thousands on cruise ship allowed to disembark after tests. Some 3,600 people can finally disembark in Hong Kong after tests for coronavirus return negative. |
密西西比火:母亲在家里被杀杀出六个孩子。唯一的幸存者是谁受伤试图拯救他的家人,父亲,官员说。 | Mississippi fire: Mother and six children killed in house blaze. The only survivor is the father who was injured trying to save his family, officials say. |
亚历山大Vindman的律师称特朗普的意见"显然是错误的"。的律师解雇高级官员命中后回特朗普总统攻击他的客户的记录。 | Alexander Vindman's lawyer calls Trump's comments 'obviously false'. The lawyer of a fired senior official hits back after President Trump attacks his client's record. |
爱尔兰大选:计数采取全国各地的地方。出口民调显示爱尔兰统一党,共和党失败和新芬党之间的差别不大。 | Irish general election: Counting taking place across the country. Exit poll suggests little difference between Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin. |
汤姆和杰里:80年猫v鼠标的。并不顾冷战 - 碧玉和金克斯如何成为汤姆和杰里故事。 | Tom and Jerry: 80 years of cat v mouse. The story of how Jasper and Jinx became Tom and Jerry - and defied the Cold War. |
独立精神奖:告别的王露露赢得了最佳影片。获奖影片制作人王露露说:"你没有鼓励妇女 - 只是给他们的工作。" | Independent Spirit Awards: The Farewell's Lulu Wang wins for best film. Winning film-maker Lulu Wang says "you don't have to encourage women - just give them the job". |
泰国拍摄:战士谁在呵叻打死26枪杀。谁杀了26士兵被击毙,存在垄断整夜在一个购物中心,警察说了。 | Thailand shooting: Soldier who killed 26 in Korat shot dead. A soldier who killed 26 is shot dead, after being cornered all night in a shopping centre, police say. |
太阳轨道器发射:它是什么,什么是它要干什么?许多科学家称这是英国一代最重要的使命。 | Solar Orbiter launch: what is it and what's it going to do?. Many scientists are calling it the UK's most important mission for a generation. |
奥斯卡2020:从欧洲最后的野生养蜂人生活的经验。该女子在奥斯卡提名影片的中心故事的冲击下,世界各地的共鸣。 | Oscars 2020: Life lessons from Europe's last wild beekeeper. The story of the woman at the centre of an Oscar-nominated film has struck a chord around the world. |
February 09, 2020
中文 (Chinese) - English : 泰国拍摄:幸存者回忆枪横冲直撞的考验。购物者搭起临时路障针对受害者的头一个16小时横冲直撞的战士。 - Thailand shooting: Survivors recall ordeal of gun ...
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