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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 圣诞岛:“一个巨大的强盗蟹偷了我的相机。在澳大利亚圣诞岛螃蟹涉嫌捏一些高价的设备。 - Christmas Island: 'A giant robber crab stole my ca... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 13, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 圣诞岛:“一个巨大的强盗蟹偷了我的相机。在澳大利亚圣诞岛螃蟹涉嫌捏一些高价的设备。 - Christmas Island: 'A giant robber crab stole my ca...

中文 (Chinese) English
圣诞岛:"一个巨大的强盗蟹偷了我的相机。在澳大利亚圣诞岛螃蟹涉嫌捏一些高价的设备。Christmas Island: 'A giant robber crab stole my camera'. Crabs on Australia's Christmas Island are suspected of pinching some high-priced equipment.
冠状病毒:西班牙为死亡经过紧急100.国家将生效周六在之中冠状死亡人数急剧上升宣布紧急状态。Coronavirus: Spain to declare emergency as deaths pass 100. A state of emergency will come into effect on Saturday amid a steep rise in coronavirus deaths.
瑞典流产:护士无法在欧洲法院的案件。瑞典拒绝让两名基督教护士作为助产士工作,因为他们拒绝进行堕胎。Sweden abortion: Nurses fail in European court case. Sweden refused to let two Christian nurses work as midwives since they refused to perform abortions.
埃米利亚诺·萨拉崩溃:试点艾伯森"不许可的飞行"。调查人员还表示,足球运动员,28日,将在崩溃期间一直"深深的无意识"。Emiliano Sala crash: Pilot Ibbotson 'not licensed for flight'. Investigators also say the footballer, 28, would have been "deeply unconscious" during the crash.
冠状病毒:在奥古斯塔美国名人赛被推迟了健康危机。奥古斯塔国家希望阶段的大师"在以后的日子",因为推迟的冠状病毒爆发的四月的比赛之后。Coronavirus: The Masters at Augusta is postponed over health crisis. Augusta National hope to stage The Masters "at some later date", after postponing April's tournament because of the coronavirus outbreak.
为什么媒体大亨在巴基斯坦被捕。张组的主编,首席通过一个反腐败机构的拘留提示深表关切。Why a media mogul was arrested in Pakistan. The detention of Jang group's editor-in-chief by an anti-corruption agency prompts deep concern.
南非国王Dalindyebo后,"斧头横行"被捕。布耶莱克哈亚·达林迪埃博,最近刚从监狱释放假释,冲进王宫面对他的儿子。South African King Dalindyebo arrested after 'axe rampage'. Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, recently freed from jail on parole, stormed the palace to confront his son.
美墨边境:孕妇从危地马拉模具从墙倒塌后。情况表明移民是如何试图达到美国际新措施的改变,官员说。US-Mexico border: Pregnant woman from Guatemala dies after fall from wall. The case shows a change in how migrants are trying to reach the US amid new measures, officials say.
法鲁克阿卜杜拉:克什米尔领导人从7月获释。法鲁克阿卜杜拉是在数千印度软禁前,克什米尔失去了它的特殊地位。Farooq Abdullah: Kashmir leader released from seven-month detention. Farooq Abdullah was among thousands India put under house arrest before Kashmir lost its special status.
欧足联:所有比赛,包括欧冠和欧罗巴联赛推迟。所有欧足联赛事,包括欧洲冠军联赛和欧罗巴联赛,是因为冠状病毒爆发而推迟。Uefa: All competitions including Champions League and Europa League postponed. All Uefa competitions, including the Champions League and Europa League, are postponed because of the coronavirus outbreak.

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