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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 中国拥有军事演习的美国特使访问台湾。台湾海峡附近的军事演习之际,中国指责的“官商勾结”,美国和台湾。 - China holds military drill as US envoy visits Taiw... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 18, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 中国拥有军事演习的美国特使访问台湾。台湾海峡附近的军事演习之际,中国指责的“官商勾结”,美国和台湾。 - China holds military drill as US envoy visits Taiw...

中文 (Chinese) English
中国拥有军事演习的美国特使访问台湾。台湾海峡附近的军事演习之际,中国指责的"官商勾结",美国和台湾。China holds military drill as US envoy visits Taiwan. The military drills near the Taiwan Strait comes as China accuses the US and Taiwan of "collusion".
澳大利亚足球运动员颁发"里程碑"残疾支出。肖恩·史密斯说,他从比赛反复震荡遭受了严重的脑损伤。Australian footballer awarded 'landmark' disability payout. Shaun Smith said he had suffered serious brain injury from repeated concussions in matches.
玻利维亚的临时领导人珍妮Áñez退出总统竞选。她说,她已采取行动,试图阻止返回前总统莫拉莱斯政党的力量。Bolivia's interim leader Jeanine Áñez quits presidential race. She says she has acted to try to prevent the return to power of ex-President Evo Morales' party.
全球冠状病毒感染前30万元。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学说,自从爆发始于去年超过94万人死亡。Global coronavirus infections top 30 million. Over 940,000 people have died since the outbreak began last year, says Johns Hopkins University.
美国大选:年纪大了特朗普的选民与他坚持?美国总统依赖于65岁以上,赢得了白宫在2016年,但他们的支持此时不放心。US election: Are older Trump voters sticking with him?. The US president relied on over-65s to win the White House in 2016 but their support this time is not assured.
莫桑比克的圣战分子和气体和红宝石的"诅咒"。三年到不断升级的叛乱,总统承认"资源诅咒"是难辞其咎的。Mozambique's jihadists and the 'curse' of gas and rubies. Three years into an escalating insurgency, the president admits the "resource curse" is to blame.
摄影师如何追查被盗的照片。有些人称它们为版权巨魔,但这些公司说,他们捍卫摄影师的权益。How photographers track down stolen pictures. Some call them copyright trolls, but these companies say they defend photographers' rights.
印度Covid危机看到了童婚和贩卖上升。未成年人的婚姻和童工的报告上涨的推锁定人们更深地陷入贫困。India's Covid crisis sees rise in child marriage and trafficking. Reports of under-age marriage and child labour rose as the lockdown pushed people deeper into poverty.
Covid-19新加坡:A"大流行的不平等"暴露。生活已经恢复正常了许多在新加坡,但有一群人还停留在锁定。Covid-19 Singapore: A 'pandemic of inequality' exposed. Life has returned to normal for many in Singapore, but one group of people still remain in lockdown.
美国西海岸火灾地图,图形和图像。视觉指导,以大火肆虐加州,俄勒冈州和其他西方国家。US West Coast fires in maps, graphics and images. A visual guide to the fires ravaging California, Oregon and other western states.

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