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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 金正恩“道歉杀害的韩国官员的”。首尔称,该男子被枪杀,并燃烧起来,而据称试图投奔朝鲜。 - Kim Jong-un 'apologises for killing of South Korea... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 25, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 金正恩“道歉杀害的韩国官员的”。首尔称,该男子被枪杀,并燃烧起来,而据称试图投奔朝鲜。 - Kim Jong-un 'apologises for killing of South Korea...

中文 (Chinese) English
金正恩"道歉杀害的韩国官员的"。首尔称,该男子被枪杀,并燃烧起来,而据称试图投奔朝鲜。Kim Jong-un 'apologises for killing of South Korean official'. Seoul said the man was shot dead and set alight while allegedly trying to defect to the North.
冠状病毒:里约2021嘉年华会游行队伍无限期推迟。组织者说,他们还没有足够的某些提供了狂欢节游行的新日期。Coronavirus: Rio 2021 carnival parade postponed indefinitely. Organisers say they are not yet certain enough to provide a new date for the carnival parade.
FBI探讨家庭的驱动器上的男孩杀害警察。一名警官开除出手13次,杀死约翰·阿尔伯斯在2018年被称为去检查他。FBI probes police killing of boy on family's drive. A police officer fired 13 shots, killing John Albers in 2018 after being called to check on him.
全球变暖的驾驶加州野火"。气候变化的规模和美国西部近期野火影响的背后,科学家们说。Global warming 'driving California wildfires'. Climate change is behind the scale and impact of recent wildfires in the western US, scientists say.
Magawa的探雷鼠胜PDSA金奖。 Magawa非洲非洲巨鼠属赢得了PDSA金牌为他的工作探测地雷。Magawa the mine-detecting rat wins PDSA Gold Medal. Magawa the African giant pouched rat has won a PDSA Gold Medal for his work detecting landmines.
谁想要了解人工流产德国的医学生。缺乏培训是制约获得堕胎在德国,但学生正在试图改变这种状况。The German medical students who want to learn about abortion. Lack of training is restricting access to abortion in Germany, but students are trying to change that.
Breonna泰勒:为什么很难美国警方在枪击案充电。有原因它是罕见的,过度使用警力引线的审判。他们来了。Breonna Taylor: Why it's hard to charge US police over shootings. There are reasons why it's rare that excessive use of police force leads to a trial. Here they are.
有一天,人人会用中国的数字货币"。中国计划其货币的数字版本,有人说可能会成为一个大的全球支付系统。One day everyone will use China's digital currency'. China plans a digital version of its currency, which some say could become a big global payment system.
PMC崩岸:"我们失去了我们的钱,然后我们的儿子"。几乎没有经过近一个亿印度人转变的一个一年中失去自己的积蓄在银行崩溃。PMC Bank collapse: 'We lost our money and then our son'. Little has changed one year after nearly a million Indians lost their savings in a bank collapse.
冠状病毒:是锁定的限制过于严格?有些人,包括科学家,相信硬盘锁定的措施可能会造成混淆。Coronavirus: Are the lockdown restrictions too strict?. Some people, including scientists, believe the hard lockdown measures can be confusing.

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