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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 叙利亚战争:美国俄罗斯发生冲突后部署增援叙利亚。一位美国官员表示,此举将“信号到俄罗斯”,以避免在叙 - Syria war: US deploys reinforcements to Syria afte... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 19, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 叙利亚战争:美国俄罗斯发生冲突后部署增援叙利亚。一位美国官员表示,此举将“信号到俄罗斯”,以避免在叙 - Syria war: US deploys reinforcements to Syria afte...

中文 (Chinese) English
叙利亚战争:美国俄罗斯发生冲突后部署增援叙利亚。一位美国官员表示,此举将"信号到俄罗斯",以避免在叙利亚的"挑衅行为"。Syria war: US deploys reinforcements to Syria after Russia clashes. A US official says the move sends a "signal to Russia" to avoid "provocative actions" in Syria.
讣告:金斯伯格。美国最高法院法官金斯伯格是一个开拓者,以形形色色的女性。Obituary: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazer to women of all stripes.
有多少人没有考虑到推翻一个政治领袖?如何大不抗诉需要被推翻一个政治领袖?有人估计,全国人口的3.5%。How many people does it take to oust a political leader?. How big does a protest need to be to topple a political leader? One estimate is 3.5% of the country's population.
冠状病毒在南非:浮雕,自豪感和"新常态"。由于被克服"疫情的最严重阶段",专家钻研数据,以了解更多有关Covid-19。Coronavirus in South Africa: Relief, pride and the 'new normal'. As the "worst phase of the epidemic" is overcome, experts delve into the data to learn more about Covid-19.
巴基斯坦哗然警察的受害者,指责轮奸母亲。一个女人在她的孩子面前被强奸后,警察局长的言论引发了前所未有的强烈反对。Pakistan outcry over police victim-blaming of gang-raped mother. A police chief's comments spark an unprecedented backlash after a woman was raped in front of her children.
金斯伯格:癌症的美国最高法院法官模具,87正义老年人,妇女权利的一个标志性的冠军,在87模具患胰腺癌后。Ruth Bader Ginsburg: US Supreme Court judge dies of cancer, aged 87. The justice, an iconic champion of women's rights, dies at 87 after suffering from pancreatic cancer.
丹尼·马斯特森:70年代秀明星的律师拒绝在法庭上强奸指控。演员的律师驳斥在洛杉矶一个法庭听证会出于政治动机的指控。Danny Masterson: That '70s Show star's lawyer denies rape charges in court. The actor's lawyer dismisses the charges as politically motivated at a court hearing in Los Angeles.
冠状病毒:什么以色列第二锁定感觉。两个耶路撒冷的居民给他们的想法对BBC从以色列的第一个国家重新实施一个nationwise锁定。Coronavirus: what Israel's second lockdown feels like. Two Jerusalem residents give their thoughts to the BBC from Israel, the first country to reimpose a nationwise lockdown.
攀岩当你失明。马修·希夫林拿起运动差不多一年前 - 与朋友的帮助和儿时的玩具。Rock climbing when you're blind. Matthew Shifrin took up the sport almost a year ago - with the help of a friend and a childhood toy.
ICYMI:一只口渴的犰狳和破纪录的自由潜水员。有些你可能已经在本周错过了故事。ICYMI: A thirsty armadillo and record-breaking free diver. Some of the stories you may have missed this week.

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