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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 穆赫辛Fakhrizadeh:伊朗誓言报复科学家的暗杀行动。穆赫辛Fakhrizadeh,顶核科学家 - Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: Iran vows to avenge scientist'... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

November 28, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 穆赫辛Fakhrizadeh:伊朗誓言报复科学家的暗杀行动。穆赫辛Fakhrizadeh,顶核科学家 - Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: Iran vows to avenge scientist'...

中文 (Chinese) English
穆赫辛Fakhrizadeh:伊朗誓言报复科学家的暗杀行动。穆赫辛Fakhrizadeh,顶核科学家,在他的汽车攻击后上周五去世。Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: Iran vows to avenge scientist's assassination. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top nuclear scientist, died on Friday after an attack on his car.
埃塞俄比亚的提格雷危机:军队声称在几个城镇推进。埃塞俄比亚的军队说,它已经抓住几个城镇的控制权在提格雷州北部地区。Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: Army claims advance on several towns. Ethiopia's army says it has seized control of several towns in the northern region of Tigray.
极地科学家警惕即将卫星差距。关键任务记录厚度的冰川和海冰的损失不会持续十年。Polar scientists wary of impending satellite gap. The key missions recording the loss of thickness in glaciers and sea-ice won't last the decade.
甜甜圈国王谁去大圈 - 从白手起家,两次。柬埔寨难民特德·南戈伊做出甜甜圈了财,然后这一切失去了赌博。The Donut King who went full circle - from rags to riches, twice. Cambodian refugee Ted Ngoy made a fortune in doughnuts then lost it all to gambling.
提格雷危机:被指控与苏丹边境封锁的埃塞俄比亚士兵。家庭逃离提格雷冲突告诉他们已经切断从亲戚BBC。Tigray crisis: Ethiopian soldiers accused of blocking border with Sudan. Families fleeing the conflict in Tigray tell the BBC they have been cut off from relatives.
Kaavan,是世界上最孤独的大象,终于要自由。几十年来,Kaavan从他孤独的外壳进行。现在,从雪儿一只手,他的退休。Kaavan, the world's loneliest elephant, is finally going free. For decades, Kaavan performed from his lonely enclosure. Now, with a hand from Cher, he's retiring.
获得墨尔本的路径冠状病毒成功的"粉碎"。通过一项措施的城市刚刚消除了病毒,但缓解当地人也害怕隐性成本。Getting 'crushed' on Melbourne's path to coronavirus success. By one measure the city has just eliminated the virus, but relieved locals also fear a hidden cost.
冠状病毒锁定上看到印度股市上涨的妇女份额。随着越来越多的时间和灵活性,成千上万的妇女被买卖的股市首次。Coronavirus lockdown sees share of women on India's stock market rise. With more time and flexibility, thousands of women are trading in the stock market for the first time.
海怪:这是什么,以及为什么有特朗普的前律师公布它?如何从一个前特朗普的律师完全没有根据的选举舞弊索赔的官司打到病毒。The Kraken: What is it and why has Trump's ex-lawyer released it?. How a lawsuit from an ex-Trump lawyer full of baseless voter fraud claims went viral.
是好莱坞大片在的时代?有Covid杜绝大预算电影制作,或将在亚洲繁忙电影院给好莱坞的希望吗?Is the era of the Hollywood blockbuster over?. Has Covid put an end to big budget film-making, or will busy cinemas in Asia give Hollywood hope?

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