中文 (Chinese) | English |
艾弗里·吉特利斯:在98庆祝以色列小提琴演奏家模具形容为古典音乐的现代伟人之一,他是一个非常有魅力的人物。 | Ivry Gitlis: Celebrated Israeli virtuoso violinist dies at 98. Described as one of the modern greats of classical music, he was a hugely charismatic figure. |
Covid:墨西哥,智利和哥斯达黎加开始大规模疫苗接种。墨西哥,智利和哥斯达黎加成为拉美第一个国家开始疫苗接种活动。 | Covid: Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica begin mass vaccination. Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica become the first countries in Latin America to begin vaccination campaigns. |
迈克尔杰克逊:梦幻庄园"出售给亿万富翁为$22米"。据报道,亿万富翁罗恩·伯克尔买房地产的初始要价的四分之一。 | Michael Jackson: Neverland Ranch 'sold to billionaire for $22m'. Billionaire Ron Burkle reportedly buys the estate for a quarter of its initial asking price. |
Brexit:欧盟外交官获得贸易协议的通报。国会议员都在观望的12月30日在议会投票同意提前全文。 | Brexit: EU diplomats to get trade deal briefing. MPs are waiting to see the full text of the agreement ahead of a vote in Parliament on 30 December. |
如何送货司机成了流行病至关重要。他们确信没有人不得不离开家,但现在他们正在承担更加重要的角色。 | How delivery drivers became vital in the pandemic. They made sure no-one had to leave the house but now they are taking on an even more important role. |
格鲁吉亚登山谁冒着生命危险为圣诞树。在格鲁吉亚共和国,工人收获高加索冷杉种子出口到欧洲。 | Georgia climbers who risk their lives for Christmas trees. In the Republic of Georgia, workers harvest the seeds of Nordmann firs for export to Europe. |
宇航员斯科特凯利:如何一年在太空中生存。破纪录的宇航员斯科特凯利会谈有关在太空中生活,他希望回去。 | Astronaut Scott Kelly: How to survive a year in space. Record-breaking astronaut Scott Kelly talks about living in space and his desire to go back. |
难民饲养的国家。法属圭亚那是怎么来依靠食物的苗族公民? | The refugees feeding a nation. How did French Guiana come to rely on its Hmong citizens for food? |
在图片:世界各地的圣诞庆祝活动。今年的服务和活动正在被人要少得多,因为Covid爆发出席。 | In pictures: Christmas celebrations around the world. This year's services and events are being attended by far fewer people because of the Covid outbreak. |
在钢琴家场景改变纵火法希姆的生命。作为一个年轻的男孩,法希姆看到屏幕上的钢琴在一个难民营。 "我所见到的迷住了我,"他说。 | A scene in The Pianist changed Arson Fahim's life. As a young boy, Fahim saw a piano on screen in a refugee camp. "What I saw captivated me," he said. |
December 25, 2020
中文 (Chinese) - English : 艾弗里·吉特利斯:在98庆祝以色列小提琴演奏家模具形容为古典音乐的现代伟人之一,他是一个非常有魅力的 - Ivry Gitlis: Celebrated Israeli virtuoso violinist...
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