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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : Covid:美国药剂师疫苗篡改认罪。史蒂芬勃兰登堡承认,他相信接种会伤害人,在威斯康星州的检察官说。 - Covid: US pharmacist in vaccine tampering guilty p... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 27, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : Covid:美国药剂师疫苗篡改认罪。史蒂芬勃兰登堡承认,他相信接种会伤害人,在威斯康星州的检察官说。 - Covid: US pharmacist in vaccine tampering guilty p...

中文 (Chinese) English
Covid:美国药剂师疫苗篡改认罪。史蒂芬勃兰登堡承认,他相信接种会伤害人,在威斯康星州的检察官说。Covid: US pharmacist in vaccine tampering guilty plea. Steven Brandenburg admits he believed inoculation could harm people, prosecutors in Wisconsin say.
气候变化:全球最大的民调支持"全球紧急状况"。超过一百万的人在50个国家参加的最大的调查迄今对气候变化的一部分。Climate change: Biggest global poll supports 'global emergency'. More than a million people in 50 countries take part in the biggest poll to date on climate change.
拜登:他希望能够解决美国的经济团队。美国新总统呼吁在一个团队常青​​藤训练有素的经济学家和律师,以"治愈"的经济。Joe Biden: The team he hopes can fix the US economy. The new US president has called on a team of Ivy League-trained economists and lawyers to "heal" the economy.
救出悲惨的考验后中国矿工的感觉脱胎换骨"。两名中国矿工描述了他们是怎么活下来的,而井下被困了两个星期。Rescued Chinese miners 'feel reborn' after harrowing ordeal. Two Chinese miners have described how they survived while trapped underground for two weeks.
美国影星简·方达获得金球奖终身成就奖。这位83岁的好莱坞费也被称为积极的气候变化活动家。US actress Jane Fonda to get Golden Globes' lifetime achievement award. The 83-year-old Hollywood royalty is also known as an active climate change campaigner.
高盛的老板花费$10米减薪1MDB。大卫·所罗门被惩罚的欺诈马来西亚投资基金,银行的参与。Goldman Sachs boss takes $10m pay cut for 1MDB. David Solomon is being punished for the bank's involvement in the fraudulent Malaysian investment fund.
埃利奥特页:朱诺演员艾玛离婚Portner。奥斯卡提名的演员和编舞他的妻子形容为"困难"他们分裂的决定。Elliot Page: Juno actor to divorce Emma Portner. The Oscar-nominated actor and his choreographer wife describe as "difficult" their decision to split.
梯形XL:为什么我的战斗 - 或反对 - 管道。总统拜登已取消了有争议的美国 - 加拿大项目的许可证。Keystone XL: Why I fought for - or against - the pipeline. President Biden has cancelled the permit for the controversial US-Canada project.
当你的"流感大流行的小狗"不工作了。锁定似乎像是一个完美的时间来获得一只狗,但对一些人来说,兴奋变成了遗憾。When your 'pandemic puppy' doesn't work out. Lockdown seemed like the perfect time to get a dog, but for some, the excitement turned into regret.
大屠杀纪念馆2021天:"这是可悲的,当我独自一人坐在那里。"已经是艰难的一天,履行这些被纳粹杀害的将是今年不同,随着大流行的防止幸存者和他们的家人的相处。Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone'. Already a difficult day, honouring those killed by the Nazis will be different this year, as the pandemic prevents survivors and their families being together.

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