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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 朝鲜外交官的缺陷韩国:报告。韩国报道说,润贤宇 - 演艺大使 - 九月逃往韩国。 - North Korea diplomat 'defects to South Korea': Rep... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 25, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 朝鲜外交官的缺陷韩国:报告。韩国报道说,润贤宇 - 演艺大使 - 九月逃往韩国。 - North Korea diplomat 'defects to South Korea': Rep...

中文 (Chinese) English
朝鲜外交官的缺陷韩国:报告。韩国报道说,润贤宇 - 演艺大使 - 九月逃往韩国。North Korea diplomat 'defects to South Korea': Reports. South Korean reports say that Run Hyun-woo - an acting ambassador - fled to South Korea in September.
中国从美国需要新的外国投资头把交椅。世界排名凸显了中国在世界经济舞台上的影响力与日俱增。China takes new foreign investment top spot from US. The top ranking highlights China's growing influence on the world economic stage.
Covid-19:墨西哥总统洛佩斯测试呈阳性。洛佩斯,67,宣布他正在接受治疗的冠状病毒。Covid-19: Mexican President López Obrador tests positive. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 67, announces he is receiving medical treatment for the coronavirus.
热浪席卷澳大利亚城市和加薪林火危险。一个森林大火烟雾蒙上了阿德莱德的澳大利亚其他地区面临一年来最糟糕的火灾危险性。Heatwave sweeps Australian cities and raises bushfire danger. A bushfire casts smoke over Adelaide as other parts of Australia face their worst fire risk in a year.
波音737MAX清零,再飞"为时尚早"。一位前波音公司的经理说,需要在飞机上更多的调查,两个崩溃后接地。Boeing 737 Max cleared to fly again 'too early'. A former Boeing manager says more investigations are needed on the plane, grounded after two crashes.
Covid-19:为什么美国没有打疫苗的目标为止。拜登说,疫苗部署已经失败了,因为他在他的头100天承诺亿次出手。Covid-19: Why the US hasn't hit vaccine targets so far. Biden says the vaccine rollout has been a failure, as he pledges 100 million shots in his first 100 days.
黎巴嫩的冠状病毒锁定:"我们不能让我们的家园白天还是晚上"。黎巴嫩人们形容的被限制在自己的家园,每天24小时的影响。Lebanon's Coronavirus lockdown: 'We can't leave our homes day or night'. People in Lebanon describe the impact of being confined to their homes for 24 hours a day.
杨力:在"点睛之笔女王"谁得罪了中国男人。一位女喜剧演员的全国电视上的笑话引发了人们对中国喜剧和女权主义的辩论。Yang Li: The 'punchline queen' who offended Chinese men. A female comedian's joke on national television has sparked debate on comedy and feminism in China.
扎克伯格的拜登问题。总统拜登的Facebook的开放厌恶可能会给社交网络的问题。Zuckerberg's Biden problem. President Biden's open dislike of Facebook could spell problems for the social network.
埃塞俄比亚的提格雷冲突:"我的妻子难产而死了一对双胞胎,而我们藏"。一位父亲告诉BBC,他的逃离埃塞俄比亚提格雷地区冲突的悲惨故事。Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: 'My wife died giving birth to twins while we hid'. A father tells the BBC his tragic story of fleeing the conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region.

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