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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 突破性的生物燃料火箭可能是“尤伯杯的空间”。星尘1.0已经成为了第一个商业化推出搭载生物衍生燃料火箭 - Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for s... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 01, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 突破性的生物燃料火箭可能是“尤伯杯的空间”。星尘1.0已经成为了第一个商业化推出搭载生物衍生燃料火箭 - Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for s...

中文 (Chinese) English
突破性的生物燃料火箭可能是"尤伯杯的空间"。星尘1.0已经成为了第一个商业化推出搭载生物衍生燃料火箭。Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for space'. Stardust 1.0 has become the first commercial launch of a rocket powered by bio-derived fuel.
巨大的暴风雪头为美国东海岸。高达80公里的阵风/ h的几天预测,创建致盲,吹雪。Huge snowstorm heads for US east coast. Wind gusts of up to 80km/h are forecast for several days, creating blinding, blowing snow.
科林伍德:澳大利亚橄榄球联盟俱乐部犯系统性的种族主义的"。科林伍德 - 澳大利亚最大的体育俱乐部之一 - 监督了"深刻"的危害,报告发现。Collingwood: Australian Football League club 'guilty of systemic racism'. Collingwood - one of Australia's biggest sporting clubs - has overseen "profound" harm, a report finds.
现在再:冰岛冰川消失。看到多少冰岛的冰川Skaftafellsjokull一直退到过去的30年。Now and then: Iceland's vanishing glaciers. See how much Iceland's Skaftafellsjokull glacier has retreated over the past 30 years.
根据新的聚光灯沙特人权拜登时代。后在特朗普总统自由支配,将王国现在举行更多的帐户?Saudi human rights under new spotlight in Biden era. After free reign under President Trump, will the kingdom now be held more to account?
埃塞俄比亚的提格雷危机:什么是盲人的死亡透露。 Asmelash Woldeselassie给了他的视力,左臂,现在他的生活战争提格雷继承。Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: What a blind man's death reveals. Asmelash Woldeselassie has given his eyesight, left arm and now his life to a succession of wars in Tigray.
三条命,一条消息:停止杀害墨西哥的变性妇女。在墨西哥,第二个最危险的国家是变性,跨性别女性争取得到保护。Three lives, one message: Stop killing Mexico's transgender women. In Mexico, the second most dangerous country to be transgender, trans women fight to be protected.
罗马尼亚的年轻历史迷战斗拯救帝国的温泉度假胜地。志愿者试图注入新的生命罗马尼亚度假一次,欧洲精英们的游乐场。Romania's young history fans battle to save imperial spa resort. Volunteers try to breathe new life into a Romanian resort once a playground for European elites.
萨巴萨哈尔:"我躲过了塔利班的暗杀企图"。阿富汗电影导演萨巴萨哈尔是为数不多的从最近一波定点清除生存的一个。Saba Sahar: 'I survived a Taliban assassination attempt'. Afghan film director Saba Sahar is one of the few to survive from a recent wave of targeted killings.
一日人生:凯文·麦克唐纳说,电影"强化了每个人的相似之处。凯文·麦克唐纳的纪录片拥有来自世界各地的个人视频 - 在同一天拍摄的所有。Life in a Day: Kevin Macdonald says film 'reinforces everyone's similarities'. Kevin Macdonald's documentary features personal videos from across the world - all shot on the same day.

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