中文 (Chinese) | English |
中国和俄罗斯建造月球空间站。两国将建立在表面上和/或在月球轨道研究设施。 | China and Russia to build lunar space station. The two countries will create research facilities on the surface and/or in the moon's orbit. |
理查德·普西:澳大利亚坦言拍戏死亡女警的嘲弄。理查德·皮塞认罪通过拍摄一个女警察,她弥留之际败坏公共道德。 | Richard Pusey: Australian admits filming taunts of dying policewoman. Richard Pusey pleads guilty to outraging public decency by filming a policewoman as she lay dying. |
操盘手被画石代替铜的$36米。该公司表示,它采取的喷漆岩石,而不是金属的六千公吨交货。 | Trader gets painted stones instead of $36m of copper. The company says it took delivery of six thousand tonnes of spray-painted rocks instead of the metal. |
安全公司探针破解的"15万个摄像头"。彭博社报道显示的办公室,医院和企业内部的黑客暴露相机饲料。 | Security firm probes hack of '150,000 cameras'. Bloomberg reports the hack exposed camera feeds showing the insides of offices, hospitals and businesses. |
乌干达丢失:数百个家庭担心那些带走。来自乌干达的那些经过一系列袭击谁被拘留的家庭悲惨的故事。 | Uganda's missing: Hundreds of families fear for those taken away. The harrowing tales from Uganda from the families of those who have been detained after a series of raids. |
Covid:医院在巴西城市"接近崩溃"。通过基于力拓研究所的可怕的警告之际,巴西记录在一天1972人死亡,一个新的记录。 | Covid: Hospitals in Brazilian cities 'close to collapse'. The dire warning by a Rio-based institute comes as Brazil records 1,972 deaths in a day, a new record. |
梅根和哈里:问题在美国有大约奥普拉采访。为什么公爵夫人手在她的护照,什么是"事务所"和其他挥之不去的问题。 | Meghan and Harry: Questions the US had about Oprah interview. Why did the duchess hand over her passport, what is "The Firm" and other lingering questions. |
为什么白色的诗人并没有转化阿曼达戈尔曼。当被选为荷兰白色作家翻译戈尔曼的工作的决定被迅速扭转。 | Why a white poet did not translate Amanda Gorman. When a white Dutch author was chosen to translate Gorman's work the decision was swiftly reversed. |
绑架,脚镣,被迫在12截至1000基督教,印度教和锡克教的女孩,每年都被绑架在巴基斯坦,被迫改信伊斯兰教,然后结婚结婚。 | Abducted, shackled and forced to marry at 12. Up to 1,000 Christian, Hindu and Sikh girls are abducted in Pakistan every year, forced to convert to Islam, then married. |
福岛10年:如何在"三重灾难"展开。日本有记录最强烈地震引起的海啸和核电站危机。 | Fukushima 10 years on: How the 'triple disaster' unfolded. Japan's most powerful earthquake on record caused a tsunami and a nuclear power plant meltdown. |