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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : Facebook的询问法官抛出了FTC的反垄断诉讼。该指控声称Facebook的收购了竞争对手,以保 - Facebook asks judge to throw out FTC anti-trust la... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 11, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : Facebook的询问法官抛出了FTC的反垄断诉讼。该指控声称Facebook的收购了竞争对手,以保 - Facebook asks judge to throw out FTC anti-trust la...

中文 (Chinese) English
Facebook的询问法官抛出了FTC的反垄断诉讼。该指控声称Facebook的收购了竞争对手,以保持垄断地位。Facebook asks judge to throw out FTC anti-trust lawsuit. The charges allege Facebook bought up its rivals to maintain a monopoly.
Covid疫苗顶部的"四"会议的议程。四国联盟预计将讨论疫苗生产在印度的资金支持。Covid vaccines to top the agenda at 'Quad' meeting. The four country alliance is expected to discuss financial support for vaccine manufacturing in India.
沃伦·巴菲特终于加入独家$ 1000亿俱乐部。 90岁的投资者是一个精英组五个的一部分,虽然他已经放弃数十亿美元给慈善机构。Warren Buffett finally joins exclusive $100bn club. The 90-year-old investor is part of an elite group of five, although he has given billions to charity.
马来西亚高等法院规则基督徒使用"阿拉"。非穆斯林用这个词来指上帝这个问题此前曾引发紧张局势和暴力。Malaysia High Court rules Christians can use 'Allah'. The issue of non-Muslims using the word to refer to God had previously sparked tensions and violence.
墨西哥大麻:下议院通过休闲大麻法案。下院通过了一项法案,允许娱乐使用,以最终批准现在几乎放心。Mexico marijuana: Lower house passes recreational cannabis bill. The lower house passes a bill allowing recreational use, with final approval now almost assured.
哈米德·巴卡约科:在德国象牙海岸的PM模具。哈米德·巴卡约科死于癌症,当局说,他的56岁生日后的天。Hamed Bakayoko: Ivory Coast's PM dies in Germany. Hamed Bakayoko died of cancer, the authorities say, days after his 56th birthday.
将强奸指控改变澳大利亚的"有毒"政治?澳大利亚政治正处在文化清算的时刻,写BBC的Shaimaa哈利勒。Will rape allegations change Australia's 'toxic' politics?. Australian politics finds itself at a moment of cultural reckoning, writes the BBC's Shaimaa Khalil.
作为加纳同性恋:LGBT社区"受到攻击"。由于该国的第一个LGBT安全的空间被警方查封,酷儿加纳是"不安全"。Being gay in Ghana: LGBT community is 'under attack'. Since the country's first LGBT safe space was closed down by police, queer Ghanaians are "not safe".
小事:惊悚片,但并不像你知道这是犯罪。丹泽尔·华盛顿,拉米·马雷克和杰瑞德·莱托的痴迷,Covid-19和进入角色。The Little Things: A crime thriller but not as you know it. Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto on obsession, Covid-19 and getting into character.
Covid:与"超级抗体"的人。约翰·霍利斯具有可杀灭病毒抗体和变种,但发现几乎被错过。Covid: The man with 'super antibodies'. John Hollis has antibodies that can kill the virus and variants but the discovery was nearly missed.

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