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美国 - 中国关系:布林肯指责中国作用更加积极的。国务卿安东尼·布林肯说,中国正在挑战以规则为基础的国际秩序。 | US-China relations: Blinken accuses China of acting more aggressively. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says China is challenging the rules-based international order. |
抢:一个尤伯杯杀手是如何成为一个强大的亚洲超级应用程序。东南亚出租车公司抓住正在成为亚洲最强大的金融超级应用程序之一 | Grab: How an Uber killer became a powerful Asian super-app. South East Asian taxi firm Grab is becoming one of Asia's most powerful financial super-apps |
澳大利亚印度禁令批评为"种族主义者"的权利突破口。监狱的澳大利亚公民返回印度家庭的威胁已被广泛谴责。 | Australia's India ban criticised as 'racist' rights breach. The threat to jail Australian citizens returning home from India has been widely condemned. |
疑似外来船打破了圣迭戈,造成3。三人死亡和20多项正在船舱休息巡洋舰最多靠近海岸后受伤。 | Suspected migrant boat breaks up off San Diego, killing three. Three people die and some two dozen are injured after the cabin cruiser breaks up close to shore. |
巴布亚新几内亚Covid-19:不信任的燃料危机传染上升。猜疑和谣言更加剧潜在的公共卫生灾难。 | Papua New Guinea Covid-19: Mistrust fuels crisis as infections rise. Suspicions and false rumours are compounding a potential public health disaster. |
碳:如何对气候正义的呼叫震撼世界。年轻活动家们在如何削减碳相当注入新的活力长期运行的辩论。 | Carbon: How calls for climate justice are shaking the world. Young activists are breathing new life into the long-running debate over how to cut carbon fairly. |
退休地狱:为什么许多尼日利亚退休人员都被拒绝访问他们的养老金。 BBC非洲眼睛去卧底尼日利亚暴露无效和腐败的养老保险制度。 | Retirement Hell: Why many Nigerian pensioners are denied access to their pensions. BBC Africa Eye goes undercover to expose an ineffective and corrupt pension system in Nigeria. |
巴西:在接种疫苗对亚马逊Covid。英国广播公司遵循医务人员在巴西亚马孙地区提供疫苗,以一个大国的最偏远的地区之一。 | Brazil: Vaccinating the Amazon against Covid. The BBC follows healthcare workers in Brazil's Amazon region delivering vaccines to one of the most isolated parts of a vast country. |
印度Covid:医院恳求帮助,更多的患者死亡。绝望的消息在周日晚上继续德里的氧危机没有显示出减弱的迹象。 | India Covid: Hospitals plead for help as more patients die. Desperate messages continued on Sunday night as Delhi's oxygen crisis shows no signs of abating. |
莎拉·哈里米:上药杀手如何逃脱了反犹太人的谋杀案审判的法国。不起诉是因为他吸毒的一个犹太女人的杀手决定在法国火花法律一行。 | Sarah Halimi: How killer on drugs escaped French trial for anti-Semitic murder. The decision not to prosecute a Jewish woman's killer because of his drug use sparks a legal row in France. |