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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 在中国的人重聚儿子24年前抢走了。儿童绑架在中国是一个大问题,每年都有成千上万的孩子。 - Man in China reunited with son snatched 24 years a... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

July 13, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 在中国的人重聚儿子24年前抢走了。儿童绑架在中国是一个大问题,每年都有成千上万的孩子。 - Man in China reunited with son snatched 24 years a...

中文 (Chinese) English
在中国的人重聚儿子24年前抢走了。儿童绑架在中国是一个大问题,每年都有成千上万的孩子。Man in China reunited with son snatched 24 years ago. Child abductions are a big problem in China, with tens of thousands of kids being taken every year.
委内瑞拉反对人物Freddy Guevara被捕。弗雷迪Guevara广播在社交媒体上生活,因为他在加拉加斯的高速公路上被捕。Venezuela opposition figure Freddy Guevara arrested. Freddy Guevara broadcast live on social media as he was arrested on a highway in Caracas.
Flipkart:印度在线零售巨头在最新的资金上筹集了36亿美元。这将沃尔玛支持的公司在预期市场首次亮相之前将沃尔玛支持的公司的价值达到近380亿美元。Flipkart: India online retail giant raises $3.6bn in latest funding round. This brings the Walmart-backed firm's value to almost $38bn ahead of its expected market debut.
伊拉克医院火灾:抗议活动,因为Covid Dird Blaze杀死50.受害者的愤怒亲戚一直在抗议现在摧毁的Covid隔离病房之外。Iraq hospital fire: Protests as Covid ward blaze kills 50. Angry relatives of the victims have been protesting outside the now devastated Covid isolation ward.
美国阿富汗撤回:顶部指挥官踩下。特种部队指挥官已交出控制,因为20年来的美国LED任务接近其关闭。US Afghanistan withdrawal: Top commander steps down. The special forces commander has handed over control as the 20-year US-led mission nears its close.
美国热浪:我们和加拿大可以看到最糟糕的野火吗?年度火季几乎没有开始 - 并且有人声称2021可能是最糟糕的一年。US heatwave: Could US and Canada see the worst wildfires yet?. The annual fire season has barely started - and there are claims that 2021 might be the worst year yet.
印度人口爆炸的神话。印度最有人口的国家有一个有争议的遏制人口增长计划。但有必要吗?The myth of India's population explosion. India's most populous state has a contentious plan for curbing population growth. But is it necessary?
尽管存在危险,但在中国的整形手术。年轻人正在使用社交媒体应用程序来规划整容程序,这些程序并不总是满足期望。Plastic surgery booming in China despite the dangers. Young people are using social media apps to plan cosmetic procedures which don't always meet expectations.
数字:美国离开后阿富汗的生活。美国和塔利班之间20年的战争如何改变阿富汗?In numbers: Life in Afghanistan after America leaves. How did 20 years of war between the US and the Taliban change Afghanistan?
为什么"云的龙"形式在野火上方。随着野火愤怒的美国,科学家们报道了他们看到的"最极端"的火云。Why 'dragon of clouds' forms above wildfires. As wildfires rage across the western US, scientists report the "most extreme" fire clouds they have seen.

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