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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 澳大利亚Covid:悉尼延伸锁定争夺三角洲爆发。居住在澳大利亚最大的城市的人们仍然在留在家庭住宿单下 - Australia Covid: Sydney extends lockdown to fight ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

July 14, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 澳大利亚Covid:悉尼延伸锁定争夺三角洲爆发。居住在澳大利亚最大的城市的人们仍然在留在家庭住宿单下 - Australia Covid: Sydney extends lockdown to fight ...

中文 (Chinese) English
澳大利亚Covid:悉尼延伸锁定争夺三角洲爆发。居住在澳大利亚最大的城市的人们仍然在留在家庭住宿单下,直到7月30日。Australia Covid: Sydney extends lockdown to fight Delta outbreak. People living in Australia's largest city to remain under stay-at-home orders until July 30.
酒店倒塌在中国苏州杀死17,伤害五。初步调查发现,该业主私下修改了建筑的结构。Hotel collapse in China's Suzhou kills 17, injures five. A preliminary investigation found the property owner had privately modified the building's structure.
美国警告中国新疆的企业。该公告来到西方强化了该地区涉嫌人权滥用的立场。US warns businesses over China's Xinjiang province. The announcement comes as the West hardens its stance over alleged human rights abuses in the region.
伊朗人绘制了绑架我们,加拿大和英国目标'。以纽约为主的伊朗出生的记者Masih Alinejad说她是针对绑架的。Iranians 'plotted to kidnap US, Canada and UK targets'. New York-based Iranian-born journalist Masih Alinejad says she was targeted for abduction.
伊斯兰州的伊斯兰教儿童在监狱中面临一生。 BBC调查发现,孩子们支持的儿童被捕获在监禁的传送带中。Islamic State children in Syria face a lifetime in prison. A BBC investigation found that children, whose parents supported IS, are caught in a conveyor belt of incarceration.
澳大利亚在背包客谋杀案中发出新的上诉。澳大利亚警方希望在20年前在海底杀害的彼得·弗利科尼奥的遗体。Australia issues new appeal over backpacker murder. Australian police want to find the remains of Peter Falconio, who was killed in the outback 20 years ago.
古巴:男子在反政府骚乱中证实丧生。一个男人在星期天开始的骚乱,但目击者否认事件的官方账户。Cuba: Man confirmed killed in anti-government unrest. A man dies in unrest that began on Sunday, but witnesses deny official accounts of the incident.
南非骚乱:德班的抢劫和射击。人们陷入了暴力的中间,说他们的城市是"着火" - 他们觉得被遗弃了。South Africa riots: Looting and shooting in Durban. People caught in the middle of the violence say their city is "on fire" - and they feel abandoned.
哥伦比亚赌注私人资助的Covid接种疫苗。私营部门计划允许公司接种哥伦比亚人员,无论需求。Colombia bets on privately funded Covid vaccinations. The private-sector scheme allows companies to vaccinate their Colombian staff, regardless of need.
Khashoggi谋杀案:美国竭尽向沙特领袖。在2018年杀戮之后,沙特阿拉伯的皇冠王子被避开,但王国回归业务。Khashoggi murder: US softens towards Saudi leader. Saudi Arabia's crown prince was shunned after the 2018 killing, but the kingdom is back in business.

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