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排屋:日本男人罚款$ 80以上的Netflix明星的自杀。她去世之前,花木村写了社交媒体文章暗示她被欺凌。 | Terrace House: Japan man fined $80 over Netflix star's suicide. Before she died, Hana Kimura had written social media posts implying she was cyberbullied. |
肖审判:"我叫上警察的警察"。叫来几个证人出庭 - 一些成为情感 - 对诉讼的两天。 | Chauvin trial: 'I called police on the police'. The prosecution called several witnesses - some becoming emotional - on day two of the proceedings. |
纳什维尔洪水杀死4人。在田纳西州的风暴所需的100人从车辆和建筑中救出。 | Nashville floods kill four people. The storms in Tennessee required 100 people to be rescued from vehicles and buildings. |
沃尔沃走向全球,其瑞典的家庭价值观。中国人拥有的汽车制造商将在全球范围提供了慷慨的育儿假计划到40,000名员工。 | Volvo goes global with its Swedish family values. The Chinese-owned carmaker will offer its generous parental leave scheme to 40,000 employees globally. |
水门事件主谋摹戈登·利迪死90岁的戈登·摹利迪服务了近五年监狱为他在推翻尼克松总统的丑闻作用。 | Watergate mastermind G Gordon Liddy dies aged 90. G Gordon Liddy served nearly five years in jail for his role in the scandal that toppled President Nixon. |
谷歌地图开始显示环保的路线。驱动程序将突出与基于以下因素,如交通排放量最低的旅程。 | Google Maps to start showing eco-friendly routes. The driving app will highlight journeys with lowest emissions based on factors such as traffic. |
Covid:澳大利亚落的疫苗投放目标的85%短。布里斯班缓慢推出火花关注面向全市范围内锁定的一个可能的扩展。 | Covid: Australia falls 85% short of vaccine delivery goal. The slow rollout sparks concern as Brisbane faces a possible extension of a citywide lockdown. |
拜登的狗主要在白宫再次叮咬。主要被派往特拉华州本月早些时候咬白宫员工训练后。 | Biden's dog Major bites again at White House. Major had been sent to Delaware for training after biting a White House employee earlier this month. |
一些常旅客"占主导地位的航空旅行"。这些谁飞更应该征税多,航空里程奖励应该被禁止,活动家说。 | A few frequent flyers 'dominate air travel'. Those who fly more should be taxed more, and air miles incentives should be banned, campaigners say. |
针对中国讲起来的成本。维吾尔国外描述骚扰的模式和恐吓他们说,旨在让他们保持沉默。 | The cost of speaking up against China. Uyghurs abroad describe a pattern of harassment and intimidation they say is designed to silence them. |