中文 (Chinese) | English |
希拉里克林顿被安装为大学校长。前美国国务卿稍后将正式安装为大学的新校长。 | Hillary Clinton to be installed as university chancellor. The former US secretary of state will be formally installed as the university's new chancellor later. |
美国边境的海地移民:"我们已经通过了11个国家。一个人告诉他如何通过与他的年轻儿子的丛林识别,看到同胞的尸体。 | Haitian migrants at US border: 'We've been through 11 countries'. One man tells how he trekked through jungle with his young son, seeing fellow migrants' dead bodies. |
加泰罗尼亚分离主义者Carles Puigdemont在意大利被捕。西班牙指责加泰罗尼亚地区煽动的前总统,并希望他引入。 | Catalan separatist Carles Puigdemont arrested in Italy. Spain accuses the former president of the Catalonia region of sedition, and wants him extradited. |
国会大厦骚乱委员会调查特朗普盟国。委员会调查1月6日骚乱发布了特朗普队的第一个子公司。 | Capitol riot committee to investigate Trump allies. The committee investigating the 6 January riot has issued the first subpoenas of the Trump team. |
另一个失踪的美国人:'他们的覆盖范围在哪里?"。对加布比的Petito案件的热衷于更新了其他失踪人员案件的紧迫性。 | The other missing Americans: 'Where is their coverage?'. Keen public interest in the Gabby Petito case has renewed the urgency of other missing person cases. |
小靴子说ABBA的新现场乐队是'Badass Cool'。 Pop Star在明年加入ABBA的直播乐队,经过众多新专辑。 | Little Boots says Abba's new live band is 'badass cool'. The pop star is joining Abba's live band next year, after crowd-funding her sparkling new album. |
新加坡农民工仍然生活在Covid锁上。新加坡的工人正在持久是世界上最长的Covid监禁期之一。 | Singapore migrant workers are still living in Covid lockdown. The workers in Singapore are enduring one of the longest Covid confinement periods in the world. |
间谍担心促进市场以获得更安全的技术。关于间谍软件的启示对更安全的手机和软件进行了兴趣。 | Spying concerns fuel the market for more secure tech. Revelations about spyware have spurred interest in more secure phones and software. |
德国选举2021:针对选民的阴谋理论。一个疯狂不准确的索赔表明德国实际上并不存在。 | German elections 2021: The conspiracy theories targeting voters. One wildly inaccurate claim suggests Germany does not actually exist. |
Gabby Petito案例:FBI发布男友Brian Laundrie的逮捕令。起诉说,Brian Laundrie使用了一个在她去世后不属于他的借记卡。 | Gabby Petito case: FBI issues arrest warrant for boyfriend Brian Laundrie. The indictment says Brian Laundrie used a debit card that did not belong to him after her death. |
September 24, 2021
中文 (Chinese) - English : 希拉里克林顿被安装为大学校长。前美国国务卿稍后将正式安装为大学的新校长。 - Hillary Clinton to be installed as university chan...
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