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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 贾坎德邦(Jharkhand):抗议后,印度禁止在圣Ja那教的旅游业。 Sammed Shikhar - Jharkhand: India bans tourism at holy Jain site af... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 06, 2023

中文 (Chinese) - English : 贾坎德邦(Jharkhand):抗议后,印度禁止在圣Ja那教的旅游业。 Sammed Shikhar - Jharkhand: India bans tourism at holy Jain site af...

中文 (Chinese) English
贾坎德邦(Jharkhand):抗议后,印度禁止在圣Ja那教的旅游业。 Sammed Shikharji是Ja那教社区的重要朝圣地,属于生态敏感区。Jharkhand: India bans tourism at holy Jain site after protests. Sammed Shikharji is an important pilgrimage site for the Jain community and falls in an eco-sensitive zone.
塔利班和中国公司一致同意阿富汗的油提取协议。这是自塔利班上台以来与外国公司的第一项主要能源提取协议。Taliban and China firm agree Afghanistan oil extraction deal. It is the first major energy extraction agreement with a foreign firm since the Taliban took power.
美国军舰穿越台湾海峡。中国指责美国在钟高号航空母舰的航行中"升级紧张局势"US warship sails through Taiwan Strait. China accused the US of "escalating tensions" with the voyage of the USS Chung-Hoon
加利福尼亚遭受破纪录的降雨和洪水的袭击。北加州正面临一条大气的河流,带来了大风,雨水和洪水。California hit with record-breaking rain and flooding. Northern California is facing an atmospheric river bringing heavy wind, rain and flooding.
三天。 11票。仍然没有我们的众议院议长。僵局将持续到第四天,因为直到挑选发言人之前,任何业务都无法继续前进。Three days. Eleven votes. Still no US House Speaker. The deadlock will continue into a fourth day, since no business can go ahead until a speaker is picked.
非洲的图片周:2022年12月30日至2023年1月5日。本周从非洲各地的最佳照片选择。Africa's week in pictures: 30 December 2022 - 5 January 2023. A selection of the best photos from across Africa this week.
飞船和其他技术,可清洁运输。航运业正在尝试使用箔,帆和燃料,以使其减少碳的密集型。Flying boats and other tech for cleaner shipping. The shipping industry is experimenting with foils, sails and fuel to make itself less carbon intensive.
塞拉·马德雷(Sierra Madre):为挽救重要的雨林剩下的东西而战。保护菲律宾免受气候变化的最严重性,大约90%的塞拉加德尔山脉山脉消失了。Sierra Madre: Fighting to save what's left of a vital rainforest. Around 90% of the Sierra Madre, which protects the Philippines from the worst of climate change, is gone.
Tunisha Sharma:这位印度女演员的死亡引起了风暴。 Tunisha Sharma的涉嫌自杀和随后的前任逮捕诱发了媒体疯狂。Tunisha Sharma: The Indian actress whose death set off a storm. Tunisha Sharma's suspected suicide and the subsequent arrest of her ex have trigged a media frenzy.
以色列和巴勒斯坦人在圣地言语战争中。在以色列部长对有争议的圣地进行有争议的访问之后,联合国特使贸易口头镜头。Israel and Palestinians in holy site war of words. UN envoys trade verbal shots after an Israeli minister's controversial visit to a disputed holy site.

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