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墨西哥的年轻人冒着生命危险成为天主教神父。近年来,在墨西哥困扰卡特尔暴力的地区,数十名牧师被杀。 | The young men of Mexico risking their lives to be Catholic priests. Dozens of priests have been killed in recent years in an area of Mexico plagued with cartel violence. |
克拉伦斯·托马斯(Clarence Thomas)和波希米亚格罗夫(Bohemian Grove):全男性俱乐部发生了什么?秘密俱乐部是在报道说克拉伦斯·托马斯(Clarence Thomas)访问务虚会的报道之后的消息。 | Clarence Thomas and Bohemian Grove: What goes on at the all-male club?. The secretive club is in the news after a report that Justice Clarence Thomas visited the retreat. |
逃离朝鲜寻找母亲的女儿。相隔十年后,在首尔团聚时,宋米问她的母亲为什么她把她留在北部。 | The daughter who fled North Korea to find her mother. Reunited in Seoul after a decade apart, Songmi asks her mother why she left her behind in the north. |
"灾难巨魔"是否相信他们提出的阴谋论?阴谋理论家理查德·D·霍尔(Richard D Hall)被起诉诽谤,但并没有停止他的叙述。 | Do 'disaster trolls' believe the conspiracy theories they promote?. Conspiracy theorist Richard D Hall is being sued for defamation but it hasn't stopped his narrative. |
这个历史悠久的黑人大学体操团队如何创造历史。几十年来,年轻的黑人体操运动员不得不为上大学的地方做出艰难的选择。 | How this historically black college gymnastics team made history. For decades, young black gymnasts had to make a difficult choice about where to go to university. |
一名游客在特拉维夫的撞车袭击中被杀,七人受伤。这是在两个英国姐妹在被占领的西岸的一次枪击事件中丧生之后。 | One tourist killed and seven wounded in car ramming attack in Tel Aviv. It comes after two British-Israeli sisters were killed in a shooting in the occupied West Bank. |
Mifepristone:在竞争对手裁决后,美国堕胎药的访问。德克萨斯州法官命令批准该药物,这一决定迅速受到另一个法院的挑战。 | Mifepristone: US abortion pill access in doubt after rival rulings. A Texas judge orders a hold on approval of the drug, a decision swiftly challenged by another court. |
驱逐田纳西州议员贾斯汀·琼斯(Justin Jones)发誓要返回 - 但可以吗?驱逐是非凡的,但民主党人贾斯汀·琼斯(Justin Jones)可以看到回到州议会的道路。 | Expelled Tennessee lawmaker Justin Jones vows to return - but can he?. Expulsion is extraordinary, but Democrat Justin Jones can see a way back to the statehouse. |
埃文·格什科维奇(Evan Gershkovich):俄罗斯向美国记者指控间谍 - 报告。报道说,上周被捕的埃文·格什科维奇(Evan Gershkovich)明确拒绝了这些指控。 | Evan Gershkovich: Russia charges US journalist with spying - reports. Evan Gershkovich, who was arrested last week, categorically rejects the accusations, reports say. |
刚果博士的意大利特使杀手的无期徒刑。这些人被指控在刚果博士袭击联合国车队后杀死卢卡·阿塔纳西奥(Luca Attanasio)和另外两名。 | Life sentences for DR Congo Italian envoy's killers. The men are accused of killing Luca Attanasio and two others after attacking a UN convoy in DR Congo. |