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吸毒,被抢劫,杀害':这座城市赶上了约会陷阱的美国游客。在与当地妇女见面约会后,在麦德林被杀害的男人的亲戚现在正在寻找答案。 | Drugged, robbed, killed': The city catching US tourists in dating trap. Relatives of men killed in Medellin after meeting local women for dates are now searching for answers. |
说您很抱歉':俄罗斯羞辱视频的趋势。自从俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争开始以来,强迫的视频道歉变得越来越普遍。 | Say you're sorry': Russia's trend for humiliating videos. Forced video apologies have become increasingly common since Russia's war in Ukraine began. |
特朗普帮助投票丑闻传播开来。到底发生了什么?。据称在摄像机上捕获了投票,在新英格兰举行的市长选举正在重新运行。 | Trump helped a vote scandal go viral. What really happened?. A mayoral election in New England is being re-run after alleged ballot-stuffing was caught on camera. |
乌干达互联网宣传网络由英国广播公司公开。英国广播公司的调查暴露了一个在乌干达运营的假社交媒体帐户的广泛网络。 | Ugandan internet propaganda network exposed by the BBC. A BBC investigation exposes a sprawling network of fake social media accounts operating in Uganda. |
乌迪内斯2-3 AC米兰:迈克·麦尼(Mike Maignan)和米兰(Milan)据称从主场球迷高呼种族主义者后走出去。 AC米兰(AC Milan)在乌迪内斯(Udinese)的3-2胜利在据称种族主义者从主场球迷那里喊着守门员迈克·麦尼(Mike Maignan)后,短暂停职。 | Udinese 2-3 AC Milan: Mike Maignan and Milan walk off after alleged racist chanting from home fans. AC Milan's 3-2 victory at Udinese is briefly suspended after alleged racist chanting towards goalkeeper Mike Maignan from home fans. |
Ayodhya:在印度的宗教断层线上开放的寺庙。阿约提亚(Ayodhya)的新寺庙为在1992年的暴力事件中捕捉到的社区激起了回忆。 | Ayodhya: Temple to open at India's religious fault-line. The new temple in Ayodhya has stirred up memories for the community caught up in 1992's violence. |
紫色星星"想让奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)骄傲"。 Fantasia Barrino和Danielle Brooks扮演Whoopi Goldberg和Oprah Winfrey之前扮演的角色。 | The Color Purple stars 'want to make Oprah Winfrey proud'. Fantasia Barrino and Danielle Brooks take on roles previously played by Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey. |
上尉说,红海"恐怖"船员。红海中的一艘船长分享了他对胡塞(Houthi)袭击运输的担忧。 | Red Sea 'scary' for ships' crews, says captain. The captain of a vessel in the Red Sea shares his concerns about the Houthi attacks on shipping. |
以色列加沙:内塔尼亚胡违反了巴勒斯坦国家的压力。以色列总理的言论在于他的政府接受巴勒斯坦国家的压力。 | Israel-Gaza: Netanyahu defies pressure over Palestinian state. The Israeli prime minister's comments come amid pressure on his government to accept Palestinian statehood. |
美国人员在伊拉克对Al Asad空军基地的导弹袭击中受伤。美国军方说,伊朗支持的民兵向空军基地发射了导弹和火箭。 | US personnel injured in missile attack on Al Asad airbase in Iraq. Missiles and rockets were fired at the airbase by an Iranian-backed militia, the US military says. |