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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 洪都拉斯抗议:在改革的冲突中房屋烧毁。教师,学生,医生对改革计划的抗议期间警察在洪都拉斯发生冲突。 - Honduras protests: Buildings burn during clashes o... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

April 30, 2019

中文 (Chinese) - English : 洪都拉斯抗议:在改革的冲突中房屋烧毁。教师,学生,医生对改革计划的抗议期间警察在洪都拉斯发生冲突。 - Honduras protests: Buildings burn during clashes o...

中文 (Chinese) English
洪都拉斯抗议:在改革的冲突中房屋烧毁。教师,学生,医生对改革计划的抗议期间警察在洪都拉斯发生冲突。Honduras protests: Buildings burn during clashes over reforms. Teachers, students and doctors clash with police in Honduras during protests against planned reforms.
委内瑞拉Guaidó呼吁军方在空军基地"。在Twitter上发布的视频,反对党领袖胡安Guaidó出现在穿制服的人面前讲话。Venezuela's Guaidó appeals to military 'at air force base'. In a video published on Twitter, opposition leader Juan Guaidó appears speaking in front of uniformed men.
意大利青少年黑帮"折磨领取养老金者 - 八个举行。一个老人谁塔兰托附近死亡是由一个团伙多次殴打,检察官说。Italian teen gang 'tortured pensioner' - eight held. An elderly man who died near Taranto was beaten up repeatedly by a gang, prosecutors say.
法国骚扰法律捧出来的第一个月447倍罚款。法国手了一个新的法律的第一个月447在现场罚款的性骚扰。France harassment law hands out 447 fines in first months. France hands out 447 on-the-spot fines for sexual harassment in the first months of a new law.
中国句子第二的加拿大死亡。范伟要考虑到中国的死刑之际外交排第二的加拿大。China sentences second Canadian to death. Fan Wei is the second Canadian to be given the death penalty in China amid a diplomatic row.
唐纳德·特朗普想寻求庇护的人支付申请费。美国总统指示官员们锻炼寻求庇护者试图进入该国的规则。Donald Trump wants asylum seekers to pay application fee. The US president directs officials to toughen rules for asylum seekers trying to enter the country.
体育画报设有第一burkini女孩。哈利玛亚丁成为穿在体育画报的泳装专刊一burkini的第一款车型。Sports Illustrated features first burkini girl. Halima Aden becomes the first model to wear a burkini in Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue.
特朗普起诉德意志银行和金融公司在民主党传票。该诉讼的目的是从他的记录交给国会停止德意志银行和金融公司。Trump sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One over Democrat subpoenas. The lawsuit aims to stop Deutsche Bank and Capital One from handing over his records to Congress.
板球的现身是"误解"。詹姆斯·福克纳说,他已经从LGBT社区获得的支持是"太棒了" - 但一场误会后,它来了。Cricketer's coming out was 'misunderstanding'. James Faulkner says the support he has received from the LGBT community is "fantastic" - but it came after a misunderstanding.
雪人脚印:印度陆军嘲笑了要求。它声称已经发现了"神兽"的足迹在社交媒体上的提示嘲笑。Yeti footprints': Indian army mocked over claim. Its claim to have discovered footprints of the 'mythical beast' prompts derision on social media.

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