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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 在“难以承受的水平”印度空气污染,德里部长说。烟雾在首都德里已经恶化,并达到了“危险”的范畴。 - India air pollution at 'unbearable levels', Delhi ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

November 03, 2019

中文 (Chinese) - English : 在“难以承受的水平”印度空气污染,德里部长说。烟雾在首都德里已经恶化,并达到了“危险”的范畴。 - India air pollution at 'unbearable levels', Delhi ...

中文 (Chinese) English
在"难以承受的水平"印度空气污染,德里部长说。烟雾在首都德里已经恶化,并达到了"危险"的范畴。India air pollution at 'unbearable levels', Delhi minister says. Smog in the capital Delhi has worsened and reached the "hazardous" category.
香港抗议:人的耳朵中持刀行凶咬伤。四个人在太古城商场,其中亲民主示威者已经聚集受伤。Hong Kong protests: Man's ear bitten in knife attack. Four people were injured at the Cityplaza mall, where pro-democracy protesters had gathered.
是香烟负责现代的营销手段?技术大规模提高卷烟生产,但它采取了新的技术卖给他们。Are cigarettes responsible for modern marketing methods?. Technology massively boosted cigarette production, but it took new techniques to sell them.
莫尼塔雨夹雪:你从来没有听说过的巨大的黑色摄影师。这是50年的Moneta雨夹雪成为第一个美国黑人赢得普利策新闻学。Moneta Sleet: The great black photographer you've never heard of. It's 50 years since Moneta Sleet became the first African American to win a Pulitzer for journalism.
伊拉克抗议:首都巴格达封锁作为动乱升级。示威者要求更多的工作,结束腐败,更好的服务。Iraq protests: Capital Baghdad blocked as unrest escalates. Demonstrators are demanding more jobs, an end to corruption, and better services.
达美航空将恢复同性爱场景在飞行中的电影。美国航空公司是显示ROCKETMAN和Booksmart的审查版本后批评。Delta Air Lines restores same-sex love scenes to in-flight films. The US airline was criticised after showing censored versions of Rocketman and Booksmart.
ICYMI:一个拉力赛和两个无名的熊猫。周是一个拖累?赶上一些你可能已经错过了的故事。ICYMI: A drag race and two nameless pandas. Week been a drag? Catch up on some of the stories you may have missed.
卡济马列维奇:一个神秘的绘画,无论是大作还是假的,拼图专家。由马列维奇的作品取数以百万计 - 但白俄罗斯仍然有证明,这是其中之一。Kazimir Malevich: A mystery painting, either masterpiece or fake, puzzles experts. Works by Malevich fetch millions - but Belarus still has to prove that this is one of them.
奥莉维亚·纽顿 - 约翰的油脂装在拍卖中获取$四十○万五千七。她穿了1978年电影的压轴的黑色皮夹克和紧身长裤桑迪。Olivia Newton-John's Grease outfit fetches $405,700 at auction. She wore the black leather jacket and skin-tight trousers as Sandy for the 1978 film's finale.
沙特阿美IPO:世界上最赚钱的公司上市。沙特石油巨头沙特阿美的股票市场浮选可能是世界上最大的首次公开募股。Saudi Aramco IPO: World's most profitable company to go public. Stock market flotation of the Saudi oil giant Aramco could be the world's biggest initial public offering.

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