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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 德国AFD:默克尔火灾部长在最右边一排。基督教Hirte啾啾他祝贺谁由法国开发署支持的自由党候选人。 - Germany AfD: Merkel fires minister over far right ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 08, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 德国AFD:默克尔火灾部长在最右边一排。基督教Hirte啾啾他祝贺谁由法国开发署支持的自由党候选人。 - Germany AfD: Merkel fires minister over far right ...

中文 (Chinese) English
德国AFD:默克尔火灾部长在最右边一排。基督教Hirte啾啾他祝贺谁由法国开发署支持的自由党候选人。Germany AfD: Merkel fires minister over far right row. Christian Hirte tweeted his congratulations to a liberal candidate who was supported by the AfD.
四只稀有山地大猩猩"在乌干达雷击芯片"。涉嫌杀害触电四个包括怀孕的女性,保育团体说。Four rare mountain gorillas 'die in Uganda lightning strike'. The four killed by suspected electrocution include a pregnant female, a conservation group says.
迪迪埃·盖勒格特:法国滑冰老板退出之际性虐囚丑闻。几位前滑冰冠军指责性侵他们作为青少年3教练机。Didier Gailhaguet: French ice skating boss quits amid sex abuse scandal. Several former skating champions have accused three trainers of sexually abusing them as teenagers.
哈萨克斯坦:"民族冲突"杀八损伤几十个。 Masanchi村现在是警察和武装警卫的控制下,总统说。Kazakhstan: 'Ethnic clashes' kill eight, injure dozens. The village of Masanchi is now under the control of the police and armed guard, says the president.
泰国拍摄:士兵杀死枪横行20。犯罪嫌疑人仍然在呵叻府,曼谷东北开火后大。Thailand shooting: Soldier kills 20 in gun rampage. The suspect is still at large after opening fire in Nakhon Ratchasima, north-east of Bangkok.
巴西亚马孙:高森林砍伐月份尽管雨季。砍伐森林在巴西打历史新高月份降雨时往往会破坏放缓。Brazil's Amazon: Deforestation high in January despite rainy season. Deforestation in Brazil hits a record high in January when rains tend to slow down the destruction.
莫伊:肯尼亚哀悼"标志性的领袖"。总裁鲁·肯雅塔称赞其前身为肯尼亚人排队以查看莫伊的身体。Daniel arap Moi: Kenya mourns 'iconic leader'. President Uhuru Kenyatta praises his predecessor as Kenyans queue to view Daniel arap Moi's body.
这是特朗普的最好的一周没?从爱荷华州党团会议闪失他在参议院无罪释放,本周已治疗了美国总统好。Was this Trump's best week yet?. From the Iowa caucus mishap to his acquittal in the Senate, this week has treated the US president well.
ICYMI:啮齿动物水疗中心和冰水游泳。加上其他的东西,你可能已经在新闻这个星期错过。ICYMI: Rodent spas and ice-water swimmers. Plus other things you might've missed in the news this week.
爱尔兰大选:民调打开的第一次周六的大选投票。共有160名代表将返回到第33众议院,这将坐2月20日。Irish general election: Polls open for first-ever Saturday general election vote. A total of 160 representatives will be returned to the 33rd Dáil, which will sit on 20 February.

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