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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 在图片:韩国集体婚礼难量冠状病毒的恐惧。成千上万的夫妇,很多戴着口罩,出席首尔附近一座教堂举办仪式。 - In pictures: South Korea mass wedding defies coron... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 07, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 在图片:韩国集体婚礼难量冠状病毒的恐惧。成千上万的夫妇,很多戴着口罩,出席首尔附近一座教堂举办仪式。 - In pictures: South Korea mass wedding defies coron...

中文 (Chinese) English
在图片:韩国集体婚礼难量冠状病毒的恐惧。成千上万的夫妇,很多戴着口罩,出席首尔附近一座教堂举办仪式。In pictures: South Korea mass wedding defies coronavirus fears. Thousands of couples, many wearing masks, attend a church-organised ceremony near Seoul.
俄罗斯记者Milashina,谁暴露车臣同性恋净化,袭击了格罗兹尼。伊辛巴Milashina描述了她在格罗兹尼场所被拳打脚踢,被一帮。Russian reporter Milashina, who exposed Chechen gay purge, attacked in Grozny. Yelena Milashina describes being beaten and kicked by a gang in her hotel in Grozny.
博茨瓦纳拍卖掉允许捕猎大象。 10头大象每售出后,在狩猎禁令七"包"是去年解除。Botswana auctions off permits to hunt elephants. Seven "packages" of 10 elephants each were sold, after a ban on hunting was lifted last year.
德国AFD支持的领导者暂时留任。图林根州的前总理是由最右边搀扶进办公室,但现在他的辞职被搁置。German AfD-backed leader to stay on temporarily. Thuringia's ex-premier was helped into office by the far right, but his resignation is now on hold.
冠状病毒:是非洲国家准备好了吗?如何在整个非洲大陆各国之间的的情况下,准备致命的病毒传播。Coronavirus: Are African countries ready?. How countries across the continent are getting prepared in case the deadly virus spreads.
冠状病毒护士介绍"心碎"的工作。 "姚明"告诉BBC,医院的工作人员都不准吃,休息或使用厕所,而在工作。Coronavirus nurse describes 'heartbreaking' job. "Yao" told the BBC that hospital staff are not allowed to eat, rest or use the toilet while at work.
俄罗斯称飞机在叙利亚几乎打'的防空火力。空客A320客机改道周四后叙利亚军队应对以色列据称罢工。Russia says plane 'almost hit' by anti-aircraft fire in Syria. The A320 airliner diverted on Thursday after Syrian forces responded to alleged Israeli strikes.
澳大利亚:"蝙蝠龙卷风"侵入昆镇。成千上万的蝙蝠已经侵入英厄姆和居民受够了。Australia: 'Bat tornado' invades Queensland town. Hundreds of thousands of bats have invaded Ingham and residents are fed up.
澳大利亚火灾:夫妇冒着生命危险拯救动物。当森林大火威胁到他们的家,照顾野生动物加里和茱莉亚选择了留在原地。Australia fires: Couple risk their lives to save animals. When bushfires threatened their home, wildlife carers Gary and Julia chose to stay put.
冠状病毒:在检疫吃海胆和瑞士卷。数以千计接受检疫是住在军方和政府设施,甚至是度假胜地。Coronavirus: Eating sea urchins and Swiss rolls under quarantine. Thousands under quarantine are staying in military and government facilities, and even resorts.

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