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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 冠状病毒:如何在世界上街道排空。附近的鬼城以及世界各地城市的画廊,坐落在冠状病毒爆发。 - Coronavirus: How the world's streets are emptying.... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 17, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 冠状病毒:如何在世界上街道排空。附近的鬼城以及世界各地城市的画廊,坐落在冠状病毒爆发。 - Coronavirus: How the world's streets are emptying....

中文 (Chinese) English
冠状病毒:如何在世界上街道排空。附近的鬼城以及世界各地城市的画廊,坐落在冠状病毒爆发。Coronavirus: How the world's streets are emptying. A gallery of near ghost towns and cities around the world, amid the coronavirus outbreak.
流行歌星的直播视频演唱会从家里到战斗隔离。酷玩乐队,Yungblud和Christine和皇后是音乐家流临时演出之中。Pop stars live-stream concerts from home to combat isolation. Coldplay, Yungblud and Christine And The Queens are among the musicians streaming makeshift gigs.
伊拉克PM候任命为打破僵局。阿德南 - Zurfi被提名后,主要的政治集团未能就候选人达成一致。Iraq PM-designate appointed to break deadlock. Adnan al-Zurfi was nominated after the main political blocs could not agree on a candidate.
冠状病毒:西班牙语死亡激增近500最新的数据来作为欧盟计划的跨界旅行禁令和法国开始其锁定。Coronavirus: Spanish deaths surge close to 500. The latest figures come as the EU plans cross-border travel bans and France begins its lockdown.
乍得偿还$百米债务安哥拉牛"。要运10年第一批74000只的动物,据报道抵达罗安达。Chad 'repaying $100m debt to Angola with cattle'. The first batch of 74,000 animals, to be shipped over 10 years, has reportedly arrived in Luanda.
特朗普激怒北京"中国病毒的鸣叫。美国总统使用的术语不顾警告,以避免污辱一个区域或国家集团。Trump angers Beijing with 'Chinese virus' tweet. The US president used the term despite warnings to avoid stigmatising one region or group.
猫电影的金酸莓奖失去了大的时间。命中的音乐舞台剧的广泛嘲笑电影版得到六个一"大奖",包括最差影片。Cats movie loses big time at the Razzie Awards. The widely derided film version of the hit stage musical gets six "awards" including worst picture.
伊朗学生对不起"下雨茄子"的视频。该视频,其中又以病毒,表明蔬菜雨点般落在汽车上和人们的头脑。Iran students sorry for 'raining aubergines' videos. The videos, which went viral, showed vegetables raining down on cars and people's heads.
冠状病毒:德国大哥转换为被告知流行电视直播。到现在为止在德国老大哥室友已经意识到对全球性流行病。Coronavirus: German Big Brother cast to be told about pandemic live on TV. Until now the Big Brother housemates in Germany have been unaware about the global pandemic.
冠状病毒:澳大利亚科学家绘制系统的战斗如何免疫病毒。澳大利亚研究人员识别四种类型的免疫细胞,其中存在响应Covid-19。Coronavirus: Australian scientists map how immune system fights virus. Australian researchers identify four types of immune cells which present in response to Covid-19.

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