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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 冠状减缓,从太空中看到。卫星图像显示,通常流行的位置腾空由于冠状病毒的影响。 - Coronavirus slowdown seen from space. Satellite im... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 18, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 冠状减缓,从太空中看到。卫星图像显示,通常流行的位置腾空由于冠状病毒的影响。 - Coronavirus slowdown seen from space. Satellite im...

中文 (Chinese) English
冠状减缓,从太空中看到。卫星图像显示,通常流行的位置腾空由于冠状病毒的影响。Coronavirus slowdown seen from space. Satellite images show normally popular locations emptied out due to the impact of the coronavirus.
化石"wonderchicken"可能是已知最早的家禽。一个新发现的鸟化石可能是这个星球上每一个鸡的最早的已知祖先。Fossil 'wonderchicken' could be earliest known fowl. A newly discovered fossil bird could be the oldest-known ancestor of every chicken on the planet.
冠状病毒:类加拿大人开始"caremongering"的趋势。如何"caremongering"成为新的趋势,帮助弱势群体在处理冠状社区。Coronavirus: Kind Canadians start 'caremongering' trend. How "caremongering" became the new trend to help vulnerable people in communities dealing with coronavirus.
美加边境关闭之际病毒危机。唐纳德·特朗普和他的加拿大对手贾斯汀特鲁被停止所有,但必要的旅行。US-Canada border to close amid virus crisis. Donald Trump and his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau are stopping all but essential travel.
冠状病毒:游客被隔离在游轮Aidamira在南非。在1,7000人在船上Aidamira,离开普敦六,正在测试的冠状病毒。Coronavirus: Tourists quarantined on cruise ship Aidamira off South Africa. Six of the 1,7000 people on board the Aidamira, off Cape Town, are being tested for coronavirus.
冠状病毒:临时医院正在修建在莫斯科举行。建设工作是在已经设计处理数百名患者临时医院进行。Coronavirus: Temporary hospital being built in Moscow. Construction work is underway on a temporary hospital that has been designed to treat hundreds of patients.
冠状病毒:欧盟禁止入境的旅客命中锁定为加宽。对旅行者30天的禁令生效,作为集团试图阻止冠状病毒的传播。Coronavirus: EU entry ban hits travellers as lockdown widens. A 30-day ban on travellers comes into force as the bloc tries to halt the spread of coronavirus.
冠状病毒:威尼斯运河锁定后更清晰。威尼斯人说,他们在该市著名的水域再次见到鱼。Coronavirus: Venice canals clearer after lockdown. Venetians say they're seeing fish once again in the city's famous waters.
乐华布鲁尔:南非狩猎犀牛偷猎调查的杀手。他是在一次伏击中被枪杀后,南非的警察局长赞扬中校乐华布鲁尔。Leroy Brewer: South Africa hunt rhino poaching investigator's killers. South Africa's police chief pays tribute to Lt Col Leroy Brewer after he is shot dead in an ambush.
冠状病毒:小提琴空卫生纸过道面前玩泰坦尼克号赞歌。小提琴家说,他们的广泛认同性能大约应对,并具有在艰难时期笑。Coronavirus: Violinists play Titanic hymn in front of empty toilet paper aisle. The violinists say their widely shared performance is about coping and having a laugh in tough times.

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