中文 (Chinese) | English |
乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡:爆发暴力抗议活动上的第六天。抗议者一个黑人男子在警方手中去世后违抗在美国各地的城市实行宵禁。 | George Floyd death: Violence erupts on sixth day of protests. Protesters defy curfew in cities across the US after the death of a black man at the hands of police. |
英国前外交大臣敦促HK联盟。英国应该导致中国对待香港的响应,七名前外交秘书说。 | UK ex-foreign secretaries urge HK alliance. The UK should be leading the response to China's treatment of Hong Kong, seven former foreign secretaries say. |
美国宇航局SpaceX公司推出:什么是船员龙?导向到SpaceX公司的船员龙车辆,其携带宇航员空间站。 | Nasa SpaceX launch: What is the Crew Dragon?. A guide to SpaceX's Crew Dragon vehicle, which carried astronauts to the space station. |
冠状病毒改变了医生如何处理死亡。五位医生给予结束生活护理反思当前的危机。 | Coronavirus changes how doctors deal with death. Five doctors administering end-of-life care reflect on the current crisis. |
一丝希望,世界上最稀有的灵长类。新的育种对这一发现提出了一个极度濒危长臂猿未来的希望。 | Glimmer of hope for world's rarest primate. The discovery of a new breeding pair raises hope for the future of a critically endangered gibbon. |
乔治·弗洛伊德死亡:为什么有些抗议演变为暴力冲突?在美国,在警察暴力的和平示威已升级成骚乱活动的蔓延和抢劫。 | George Floyd death: Why do some protests turn violent?. In the US, peaceful protests over police violence have escalated into widespread riots and looting. |
远程工作:如何如果我们从家里更多的城市工作可能会改变。如果我们从家里工作了好我们的家园,运输和城市中心的空间会改变。 | Remote working: How cities might change if we worked from home more. Our homes, transport and city-centre spaces would change if we worked from home for good. |
利比亚冲突:俄罗斯和土耳其风险叙利亚重演。根Haftar的部队被殴打从的黎波里回来,但并不意味着和平就在眼前。 | Libya conflict: Russia and Turkey risk Syria repeat. Gen Haftar's forces have been beaten back from Tripoli but that does not mean peace is at hand. |
该名男子的死震撼美国。他是一个运动员,朋友,父亲,其生活和斗争是任何象征美国的。 | The man whose death convulsed US. He was an athlete, friend and father whose life and struggles were emblematic of any American. |
如何委内瑞拉的燃料危机打击冠状病毒的受害者。委内瑞拉的燃料危机已如此严重,以至于连殡仪馆都在努力体运到墓地。 | How Venezuela's fuel crisis is hitting coronavirus victims. Venezuela's fuel crisis has been so acute that even funeral homes are struggling to transport bodies to the cemetery. |
June 01, 2020
中文 (Chinese) - English : 乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡:爆发暴力抗议活动上的第六天。抗议者一个黑人男子在警方手中去世后违抗在美国各地的 - George Floyd death: Violence erupts on sixth day o...
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