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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 泰国抗议:活动家通过制定“人民斑块”挑战君主。示威者在公园水泥“人民的牌匾”和3月在曼谷呼吁政治改革 - Thailand protests: Activists challenge monarchy by... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 20, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 泰国抗议:活动家通过制定“人民斑块”挑战君主。示威者在公园水泥“人民的牌匾”和3月在曼谷呼吁政治改革 - Thailand protests: Activists challenge monarchy by...

中文 (Chinese) English
泰国抗议:活动家通过制定"人民斑块"挑战君主。示威者在公园水泥"人民的牌匾"和3月在曼谷呼吁政治改革。Thailand protests: Activists challenge monarchy by laying 'People's Plaque'. Protesters cement a "People's Plaque" in a park and march in Bangkok calling for political reforms.
艾美奖颁奖典礼2020:明星准备中拨入虚礼。提名演员将有专人等候他们的家之外交出的奖励,如果他们赢了。Emmy Awards 2020: Stars prepare to dial in for virtual ceremony. Nominated actors will have someone waiting outside their home to hand over an award if they win.
石油行业如何使我们怀疑气候变化。能源公司被指控试图淡化其对全球变暖的贡献。How the oil industry made us doubt climate change. Energy companies stand accused of trying to downplay their contribution to global warming.
印度皇后谁模仿了世界上第一个疫苗。围绕一个19世纪的肖像和其在第一次免疫运动的一个角色的神秘感。The Indian queens who modelled for the world's first vaccine. The mystery surrounding a 19th Century portrait and its role in one of the first immunisation campaigns.
贾尼斯·沃尔斯:为什么极右波兰球迷崇拜在南非一个杀人犯。贾尼斯·沃尔斯杀害反种族隔离领导人克里斯·哈尼在1993年,引发了种族内战的担忧。Janusz Walus: Why far-right Polish football fans idolise a murderer in South Africa. Janusz Walus killed anti-apartheid leader Chris Hani in 1993, sparking fears of a racial civil war.
我还是花孩子们这么多的时间 - 这需要改变"。来自澳大利亚的萨拉Dahia冠状病毒大流行期间需要我们通过她的一周。I still spend so much time on the kids - that needs to change'. Sarah Dahia from Australia takes us through her week during the coronavirus pandemic.
我瘫痪了,但我上了一年快到山马拉松"。十二个月前阿玲财富,56岁,患中风,她的床了,留下一半她的身体瘫痪。I was paralysed but a year on I'm running a mountain marathon'. Twelve months ago Carole Fortune, 56, suffered a stroke as she got out of bed, leaving half her body paralysed.
的TikTok:特朗普说,甲骨文的交易对视频应用"有我的祝福"。布什总统说,甲骨文和沃尔玛的出价将保护美国的TikTok用户的数据。TikTok: Trump says Oracle deal for video app 'has my blessing'. The president says the bid by Oracle and Walmart would protect the data of TikTok users in the US.
新加坡滚出Covid跟踪令牌。成千上万的设备被分配到弱势群体,如老人。Singapore rolls out Covid tracing tokens. Thousands of devices are being distributed to vulnerable groups such as the elderly.
蓖麻毒素:含有毒药的信特朗普在白宫。联邦调查局和特勤局调查函,截获它到达白宫之前。Ricin: Letter containing poison addressed to Trump at White House. The FBI and the Secret Service investigate the letter, intercepted before it reached the White House.

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