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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 该技术把牛肉进入澳大利亚牛耕。为什么澳大利亚的庞大的养殖场正越来越多地依靠技术来监测他们的牲畜。 - The tech putting the beef into Australian cattle f... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 21, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 该技术把牛肉进入澳大利亚牛耕。为什么澳大利亚的庞大的养殖场正越来越多地依靠技术来监测他们的牲畜。 - The tech putting the beef into Australian cattle f...

中文 (Chinese) English
该技术把牛肉进入澳大利亚牛耕。为什么澳大利亚的庞大的养殖场正越来越多地依靠技术来监测他们的牲畜。The tech putting the beef into Australian cattle farming. Why Australia's huge farms are increasingly relying on technology to monitor their livestock.
卫星实现了甲烷眼尖的视图。一家加拿大公司亮相,以监测潜在的温室气体的强大的新功能。Satellite achieves sharp-eyed view of methane. A Canadian company debuts a powerful new capability to monitor the potent greenhouse gas.
美国最高法院:顶部的竞争者补空缺。两个保守的女性被视为领跑者由金斯伯格的死亡造成的空缺。US Supreme Court: The top contenders to fill vacancy. Two conservative women are seen as frontrunners for the vacancy created by Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death.
进贡的"战士性别平等"。从政治家到女律师和记者 - 人瞻仰的"非凡"的女人。Tributes to a 'warrior for gender equality'. From politicians to female lawyers and reporters - people pay respects to an "extraordinary" woman.
金斯伯格是一个了不起的女人" - 特朗普。特朗普总统说,正义"住一个惊人的生活",而对手拜登称赞她的合法遗产。Ginsburg was an amazing woman' - Trump. President Trump said the justice 'lived an amazing life" while rival Joe Biden praised her legal legacy.
印度Covid-19:泰姬陵最长关机后重新开放。标志性的纪念碑在3月被关闭,停止冠状病毒的传播。India Covid-19: Taj Mahal reopens after longest shutdown. The iconic monument was closed in March to halt the spread of coronavirus.
艾美奖颁奖典礼2020:七从仪式的亮点。莫妮卡,瑞秋和菲比的团聚虚拟艾美奖典礼上几乎打破了互联网。Emmy Awards 2020: Seven highlights from the ceremony. Monica, Rachel and Phoebe's reunion just about broke the internet during the virtual Emmys ceremony.
美国最高法院:特朗普告诉伍德沃德法官的任命是"黄金金块"。美国总统吹嘘法官任命,音频显示,说话的记者鲍勃·伍德沃德。US Supreme Court: Trump told Woodward judge appointments are 'golden nuggets'. The US president bragged about appointing judges, audio reveals, talking to journalist Bob Woodward.
座头鲸的发现来自澳大利亚的鳄鱼河逃脱。澳大利亚官员曾担心鲸鱼可以用船发生碰撞或搁浅附近的鳄鱼。Humpback whale finds escape from Australian crocodile river. Australian officials had feared the whale could collide with a boat or get stranded near crocodiles.
所罗门群岛:男性工作在爆炸二战炸弹结算机构的模具。男人们正在努力对这些岛屿的许多未爆炸的二战炸弹处置的帮助。Solomon Islands: Men working for WW2 bomb clearing agency die in explosion. The men were working to help dispose of the many unexploded World War Two bombs on the islands.

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