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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 日本女人保持母亲的身体冷冻了10年。日本女人据说躲在身体十年前,因为她“不想搬出去。” - Japanese woman 'kept mother's body in freezer for ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 30, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 日本女人保持母亲的身体冷冻了10年。日本女人据说躲在身体十年前,因为她“不想搬出去。” - Japanese woman 'kept mother's body in freezer for ...

中文 (Chinese) English
日本女人保持母亲的身体冷冻了10年。日本女人据说躲在身体十年前,因为她"不想搬出去。"Japanese woman 'kept mother's body in freezer for 10 years'. The Japanese woman reportedly hid the body a decade ago because she "didn't want to move out".
古巴直升机坠毁事件:5名死者后离开飞机奥尔金。这架飞机离开奥尔金东的短期访问关塔那摩省后不久坠毁。Cuba helicopter crash: Five dead after aircraft left Holguín. The aircraft crashed after leaving eastern Holguín for a short trip to Guantánamo province.
马乔里·泰勒格林:民主党移动从有争议的共和党脱身。柯里布什说玛乔丽·泰勒格林针对性她在众议院的"东窗事发"。Marjorie Taylor Greene: Democrat to move to get away from controversial Republican. Cori Bush said Marjorie Taylor Greene targeted her "unmasked" in the House of Representatives.
布莱恩Sicknick:官在国会骚乱遇难躺在荣誉。布赖恩Sicknick在美国国会亲特朗普暴力事件中受伤维持后死亡。Brian Sicknick: Officer killed in Capitol riot to lie in honour. Brian Sicknick died after sustaining injuries during the pro-Trump violence at the US Capitol.
澳网允许多达30,000球迷每天参加。高达30000名球迷,每天将被允许参加澳网,维多利亚州的体育部长宣布。Australian Open to allow up to 30,000 fans to attend per day. Up to 30,000 fans a day will be allowed to attend the Australian Open, Victoria's minister for sport has announced.
俄罗斯反普京愤怒价差:"我们必须抗议"。俄罗斯是看到一些最大的示威了十年以上阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼的监禁。Russian anti-Putin anger spreads: 'We have to protest'. Russia is seeing some of the biggest demonstrations for a decade over the imprisonment of Alexei Navalny.
阿姆斯特丹药物:游客面临大麻咖啡馆的禁令。阿姆斯特丹的市长却激怒了咖啡店老板,谁怕毒霸可以介入。Amsterdam drugs: Tourists face ban from cannabis cafes. The mayor of Amsterdam has angered coffee shop owners, who fear that drug gangsters could step in.
霍纳斯·格汪瓦南非谁站起来种族隔离爵士图标。记住标志性的长号手和流亡反种族隔离活动家霍纳斯·格汪瓦谁死了83岁。Jonas Gwangwa The South African jazz icon who stood up to apartheid. Remembering iconic trombonist and exiled anti-apartheid activist Jonas Gwangwa who has died aged 83.
冠状病毒:什么是拉丁美洲的氧气短缺的背后?与氧气不足的一些拉美国家斗争为Covid-19继续蔓延。Coronavirus: What's behind Latin America's oxygen shortages?. Some Latin American countries struggle with insufficient oxygen as Covid-19 continues to spread.
Covid:阿根廷富有征收新税。阿根廷最富有的人一次性的税收将支付医疗用品和帮助企业。Covid: Argentina imposes new tax on wealthiest. A one-off tax on Argentina's richest people will pay for medical supplies and help for businesses.

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